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Comment Re:As a parent... (Score 1) 540

..I laud this public school's initiative to make sure that they are tracking attendance.

I can only think back to my child hood, where we sometimes skipped school and still turned out pretty damn swell. Todays kids?! I encountered a 12 year old child who thought that females had penises just like he did... Even the damn 5 year olds in 3rd world countries know that girls have vaginae and boys have penises -- They even know the finality of death because they help kill and/or cook their food.

You can thank public school policy for advancing those kids even though they should have been held back.

Fuck you and your oppressive views of life. School kids are PEOPLE too.

Oppressive? I don't think so. Oppressive is living under government control because you're too stupid to function on your own. The whole point of my post is to make sure that kids attend classes, become educated and are independently successful.

Even though I send my kids to private school, I'm still paying for the public education. If that money is going to be spent, those kids better damn well be in class.

School kids are people, but they don't have full rights when they attend school.

Comment Re:As a parent... (Score 1) 540

I thought welfare was about putting food in peoples' mouths so they wouldn't go hungry? If they can tie welfare to attendance, then the welfare must not be that necessary, huh?

I think you're missing the point. Most of the people on welfare today are apart of a generational epidemic. The idea is to still make the money available, but tie it to an action that benefits the family and society. In a way the family is earning their welfare simply by forcing the kids to go to school.

Granted the kids don't have to pay attention in school and could get all failing grades. The hope is that the education rubs off on the kids and they don't end up depending on welfare.

Comment Re:As a parent... (Score 1) 540

So you avoid public schools like the plague, yet you're willing to pontificate on the plebes being herded around and tracked electronically like cattle. Does your darling private school child get tracked the same way? Are you agitating for that at your school?

That's a great question. I'm not aware of any attendance issues at the private school in my town. If my child's school went this route I would definitely want the specific details, but I don't see any reason why I would be against it. After all, as another person pointed out earlier today, I have to carry my ID badge at my office so I can access certain doors.

Comment Re:As a parent... (Score 1) 540

Obviously it's primarily about funding in this case. But it also provides documented evidence of whether kids are in class or not.

When I was at school, the kids would have loved this. No need to turn up, just get a friend to carry your RFID tag.

True. This is why the school should also take a look at patterns and walk around with a handheld RFID device that will let them know if one kid has multiple cards. Give them in-school suspensions if caught.

We desperately need accountability in the public school system. It is obvious that the system is failing at multiple levels, including the parents. This is why I went to private schools and my child goes to a private school. There is more accountability.

Comment As a parent... (Score 3, Interesting) 540

..I laud this public school's initiative to make sure that they are tracking attendance. Obviously it's primarily about funding in this case. But it also provides documented evidence of whether kids are in class or not. This information can (and should) be passed on to parents.

Also, in Iowa back in the 1990's our Governor (R) had proposed a change to the state's welfare system called "learnfare". The idea was that a family's welfare check depended on the child's attendance in school. They received 100% of the check for good attendance and were penalized for poor attendance. The idea was that they wanted kids in 3rd, 4th, 5th generations of welfare families to get a good education and not be the next generation on welfare.

Now obviously school attendance doesn't necessarily mean good grades, or caring about your future. But still, it was a step in the right direction.

Comment Re:Is the free trade not so fun anymore? (Score 1) 186

This looks like a try at restricting import with arbitrary reasons without any substance behind them. I am sure many countries smile at this as they get to block American goods like GM corn etc citing safety reasons, and now they can use US own rhetoric.

Care to explain why the Communist party of China has offices inside of Huawei's headquarters?

Comment Re:Captain Obvious (Score 1) 341

Look at how many states received revenue for the class action lawsuit against the tobacco companies. Many states used that revenue to fund programs that had absolutely nothing to do with tobacco use or health issues as a result of tobacco use. Instead they spent the money on programs for children (won't somebody PLEASE think of the CHILDREN!?), etc. That revenue was either one-time money or was an annual payment for a few years. That money has dried up and now states are scrambling to find other revenue sources for this mess that they created.

It's pretty sad to see how our "brilliant" elected officials and public employees think.

Up in smoke: Counties gave up millions from tobacco settlement for short-term gains

Once Foes of Big Tobacco, States Have Been Hooked

Comment Re:Alternatively (Score 1) 180

RIM abandons all their old customers by passing the buck to the telcos, so I don't expect them to support my phone anwyay. I'm not sure why you think the 9930 won't be abandoned too.

I had to upgrade my 9700 with a leak from Bittorrent. "While RIM develops and releases updated versions of its operating system to support each device, it is up to the individual carriers to decide if and when a version is released to its users."

I don't care if they abandon the 9930. They've already told everyone that they will not be updating currently software.

Also, BB users know that they can download and install updated OS versions anytime they want regardless of carrier. You can usually get the software straight from BB's website. The phones are not locked and do not need to be rooted. Just check BB's forum, or for links to the software.

Comment Re:Data (Score 1) 334

Google has a maps app ready, and it's already submitted to Apple. The only thing holding it back is Apple approving it. So that may be next week, in a year (like they did with Google Voice) or never (under the "duplicates a native service" rule).

Question: did Apple allow other map applications when the core map application was Google Maps? If so, Apple would pretty much have to let Google Maps in the app store.

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