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Comment Re:Misleading (Score 1) 118

> Disney's workforce is a hell of a lot larger than 46,000. And, oh yeah, Disney borrowed $6B to help pay for all this.

Also, Disney doesn't need to borrow $6B, given Disney does better than the GDP of many countries. Don't go overboard there.

Don't confuse the overall Disney corporate giant with their theme park operations. They are separate companies.

Comment Boo-frickin-hoo (Score 1, Insightful) 94

What about the millions of people who literally had their jobs taken away from them? Businesses that were forced to close that will never reopen? All for some bullshit public good nonsense. This isn't a natural recession or depression. These jobs were TAKEN away for no reason at all.

The long term effects will be devastating. 1/3 of the US didn't pay rent for April. That will have huge trickle down effects. Mortgages aren't being paid. That will have a trickle down effect. House sales will slump. Car sales will slump. People won't be able to afford food or health care.

We aren't talking about a gradual slump into a recession or depression. We are talking about a massive layoff country-wide that just happened within 2 weeks. The economy cannot be flipped back on like a light switch.

But we are worried about a government operation? Fuck that.

In the US we are being lied to. Deaths are being coded as Covid-19 regardless of the actual cause of death. Even if a person tested negative and died - their death counts as covid-19 just because they had the symptoms. Don't believe me? Ask your doctor or public health employee. Notice the massive drops of other deaths in the US? All of a sudden people stopped having heart attacks and strokes. Weird huh? We are being to lied. The books are being cooked. We have bad models because the data is more fucked up than Elizabeth Taylor's face. The numbers are now worthless.

We shouldn't be locked down. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

Comment The Iowa app wasn't just counting votes (Score 1) 325

I'm born and raised in Iowa. The caucus is a different beast than the primaries than the vast majority of people attend. Specifically, the Democrats' process in Iowa is very unique. I'm not affiliated with the Ds, so I'll be speaking in generalities.

The Dem's caucus has a candidate "viability" where candidates must receive as least X percent of the total precinct's votes to be reported. I think the threshold was 15% this year. So obviously with over 10 candidates (or whatever the number is) that means that some candidates would meet the threshold. The point of the Caucus app was to track the voters as they moved from candidate to candidate in order to have enough of the percentage of the vote. My understanding is that the app choked in how this votes were tracked through the process. Sometimes the voting process lasts several rounds of voting until all of the criteria is met. I don't know why the IDP has these rules in the place. I've never asked anyone that knew the answer.

In Iowa, the GOP has a caucus. But the only rules there is that you must arrive by the start time for your vote to count. There are speeches by representatives of those running for President. From there we break out in the precincts and vote. That's it.

So, it's not that the app couldn't *count* votes. It's that it couldn't track the votes all the way the process and the report the numbers correctly.

Comment Re:civil forfeiture (Score 2) 111

Well, it appears the audit goes may not find any crime.

Here's the thing...if companies are using the law, the VERY convoluted laws to avoid paying as much tax as possible legally, then you don't blame the company for using every means it legally has to reduce their tax consideration.

You change the tax laws!!!

Seriously, go change the barely needs to be more complex than:

You made X

You spent Y

You're profit is Z

You own A dollars based on your profit.

But seriously, you shouldn't blame ANY entity or individual or family in the US for using the full laws available to pay the minimum tax owed.

If you don't like the system, fix it.

Besides think how much money would be.saved by shedding the need for all the tax lawyers and consultants, think of the time saved figuring out your taxes, there's no reason that it should take more than a sheet of paper and an hour or so to figure out ones taxes.

Take away most all deductions and you could lower the tax rates all around.

Besides, tax revenues are supposed to be there to fund the government services we shouldn't be used by the government to steer behavior, that is NOT their job.

I generally agree with everything stated. We could pass a minimum corporate tax rate and say that regardless of what tax breaks, losses, etc were in a given year that a company must pay at the very least a 1%, 5%, or 10% tax rate. Now I don't know what the results would be to the economy. And I don't know what company behavior would be a result. Maybe businesses move as a result? But I know that it has been discussed in the past.

In the end, corporations have a legal and financial obligation to their shareholders just like they have a legal obligation to follow the tax code.

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