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Comment Re:Obsolete smart TV's? (Score 1) 129

Don't think I will be buying a TV for Smart features anymore.
The features will all become obsolete

Yeah, it definitely makes a person think before making the next purchase. I would expect most of the "smart" features on my Samsung TVs to work for the life of the unit.

Comment Re:Don't build where there isn't adequate water (Score 1) 678

Or here's an idea. Don't build in areas where there isn't much water. Wipe Las Vegas and Phoenix off the map because there is NO reason there should be large metropolitan areas in the middle of a desert.

This! For the love of God, this!!!

I can't believe how stupid people are. They want to populate a desert and then complain that there's no water.

Comment Re:Obvious (Score 2) 350

AM is even better, because of the range. So, keep an AM/FM radio with your emergency supplies. If your emergency supply is only a cell phone, you're screwed anyway.

While AM has a better range it is next to worthless during a storm. Lightning strikes interfere with the signal making it impossible to hear the broadcast.

Comment Companies are disqualiying american workers (Score 1) 407

This is what is happening in the US. It makes me sick. They advertise a job with minimal information; disqualify the US worker on the basis that they are under/overqualified, request too much pay, need to relocate, etc; and then turn around and hire a foreign worker.

The video I linked will make you sick to your stomach to find out that we have US citizens actively trying to screw over other US citizens in the job market. This ends up hurting everyone.

Comment Companies defraud American workers (Score 2) 442

This is what is happening in the US. Companies are disqualifying American workers so that they can justify hiring foreign workers. They claim that they can disqualify based on any reason: over qualified, requested pay too high, etc. They don't even try to negotiate. They come up with ridiculous requirements that are impossible to meet and then turn around and hire a foreign worker with a different set of requirements.

It's not right.

Comment Re:Partisan Bullshit (Score 1) 653

You can't require a trillion dollar multi-national company stop doing business in every jurisdiction that has laws or policies the CEO disagrees with and It's not hypocrisy to use your free speech rights to advocate against policies that are abhorrent to you.

What is worse? Someone refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding, or cutting someone's head off because they are gay?

Of course, the former wasn't happening in the first place. It was a drummed up story by the left. But don't let actual facts get in the way.

Comment Re: In other news (Score 1) 609

As far as we know, ONLY Hillary Clinton used her family email server. The rest of her staff used government mail servers. Therefore any correspondents between her and her staff or the president is recorded on an official email server anyway.

But what if other people in her staff were using personal email too? We would have no record. That is where her whole "I complied with the law" bullshit doesn't stand up to reason.

I'm not saying that I agree with her using her own personal email server, but I also don't think this "controversy" rises to the level of me really giving a rat's ass about. Actually it rises to the level of "She should have known better... but meh".

If it's not a big deal then why did she terminate another state department employee for using personal email? You might want to check out our former ambassador Scott Gration.

What does concern me is that the right decided to use this low grade political material so early that it will be forgotten by the time the election season actually hits full stride. So the more important question is what's going on that requires the gullible media's distraction on something as trivial as email usage by a retired secretary of state?

So for you this is a party issue. Now we know why you don't care about this. For some of us, this is straight up legal matter. Hillary needs to follow the same laws as all of us.

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