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Comment Re: Read the GP's comment, fuckface. (Score 1) 288

By deleting the Unions, the ability to charge actual overhead and a reasonable profit margin, would then be possible. When you add the extra wages of every union hand that has touched your goods, it adds up to waaaaay more than taxes ever did. Another perspective is; non union people (the majority of us) would be able to enjoy a higher standard of living. The unions account for that missing value for cost. It's artificial, it's inflation. Capitalism is still far better than the alternatives.

Comment So.... (Score 4, Funny) 94

Are they going to use the drones to keep people from the states from border crossing illegally to Canada where the jobs are?
Where will the Canadians go when we have taken up the service jobs that no one else wants? To the North Pole to fill in for Elf shit work?
Will it be underpaid people from the states assembling these drones? Drones assembling drones? I could drone on and on.

Comment Re:Read the GP's comment, fuckface. (Score 1) 288

No one is going to work in third world poverty in spite of what others told you about capitalism.
Everyone with a will and ability can start a business, control production and pay wages.
What do we know about wages? Well If I start a factory producing ping pong balls and after overhead and my profit I determine I can pay $7.50 an hour to 10 people or $10 hr to 7 people, who will work harder and longer, where is the problem with that? If you want to work for me, YOU have decided to. I may not be able to pay more, it is a ping pong ball factory, not a diamond exchange. Your problem lies in the fantasy that there is a higher demand for ping pong balls and that I should pay a living wage. Either work for me or don't.
On the other hand If I am able to grow and produce paddles, nets and tables, thus increasing my profits and abilities, I am bound to pay more or my labor force will desert me for greener pastures. Even Henry Ford (for whom Unions were created) said " There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible." You are not going to have industry without that and therefore no jobs and therefore no taxes will be collected and therefore no poor will recieve ANY help. Giving the means of production to the state is like handing a drunk your keys to chauffeur you home. Don't be ignorant when you regurgitate your meaningless premise.
Unions tie up more jobs by enhancing the income of members. Industry needs money to create jobs, so not only do Unions steal money from the pockets of consumers by keeping employers on a tiny ledge of profit, but also sink the consumers need for income.

Nope, the rich don't care about inflation at a household level, they do at the industrial level though, so your other premise is worthless as well.
Quit seeing the rich as another species. It's o.k. to not like rude people, it's o.k. not to like airheads, it's o.k. not to like theives. The rich that you highlight are like Movie Stars. They are the ones in the limelight, on the news, in the papers, on the blogs. They are also a minority, just like Movie Stars.
Get a grip. Quit believing everything you hear from every entity with a political interest. It's honestly like asking a car salesman ,what the best car is. Well DUH!

Comment Re:Read the GP's comment, fuckface. (Score 0) 288

This is about politicians declaring something not illegal; now illegal, because their CONTRIBUTORS paid their CAMPAIGNS enough PAYOLA to halt the competition, which would be the ride service. SO fuck California Legislators, fuck cabs and FUCK UNIONS.
Unions are responsible for the high prices we pay for goods and services; INFLATION. When one party after another add to the cost of good or service, by demanding and receiving pay over and above that which normal, good people get, that cost gets passed along to the consumer. Do you want to pay extra so someone who doesn't deserve it, gets more money, just because they want it?
Delete Unions, delete the politicians that support them and educate the greedy previous members as to why they are WRONG!!!
We haven't really needed Unions for more than 60 years, we've needed inflation to go away for at least 40. See, inflation is part of why employers open fewer jobs. Fewer jobs mean more unemployed. More unemployed means more people vote for the candidates who "promise" more jobs. Once in office, well, you know... and the music goes round and round and it comes out here.
So fuck the law, get there by whatever means available, kick your Union leaders in the balls when you get there and take their wallets. Make sure they know they don't have safe haven in this country anymore. RIDE BABY RIDE!!!

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 213

Let's crowd-source shooting the Chinese into space! Let's put them there first! Show a little brotherhood.
There's enough space to go around. I can see quibbling about the moon on the light side, but REALLY!
Go forth and mine. Set up diverse industrial asteroids. Be neighborly. Get along with each other or you don't get to come back to Earth.
Let's send the most quarrelsome of everyone into space. Give 'em a job and something to bitch about. Keep them busy and out of our hair.
Set up an asteroid for the U.N. and all the world leaders, call it Botany Bay and accidentally, well, you know...
Now quit thinking so selfishly about the vastness of everything being property, let alone shared. Just share it, it's an endless resource.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 213

Yeah, space is a limited commodity. Like Leprechaun Gold @ a Colorado dispensary.
Who in their right mind was part of this Treaty to begin with? No one in their right mind.
If they weren't in their right mind, their contract is as good as toilet paper.
We need more employment, resources and fewer people on the planet.
If you tie up the mining companies resources in space, it means they're not as active here.
I'm not even a lawyer, closer to a super-villain, and even I can see the right thing to do here is quit damn worrying about what the neighbors think and go fuckin' stake a claim.

Comment Re:It's not horseshit. It's happening. (Score 0) 444

Yes, yes, regurgitation by someone who'll repeat anything they're told.
Many repeat what they're told for pay or in order to get more funding and maintain an otherwise failing career or perhaps even a branch of pseudoscience.
Frequent occurrences of this over the last few decades, falsifying the importance of research in order to maintain relevance, has eroded trust.
The same thing happened to government, so don't feel too bad. Just call this another dark age and blame science.
Quit feeling fucked and just realize, we don't know nearly enough about the criteria for climate change, global warming or even the weather, to make an accurate prediction over months, let alone years. WE are stupid, like it or not. We have Einstein aspirations and the ability of a house cat to execute them.
Over time, the longevity of careers has dropped, from lifetime to about 8 years. Find something you like to do, instead. And quit damn worrying.

Comment Re:Not just Reno (Score -1, Troll) 444

That video is SOOOOO cool. Are they actually burning coal oil? I've never seen bad piston rings cause anything that dramatic.
We have local abortion protesters as well as occasional displays by unions and I'd love to leave them with an Al Jolson makeover.
We could do that anywhere that people have religious or political convictions, too. LOL, I just remembered, environmentalists come from states around to
protest Koch Industries a couple times a year and tie up my favorite park with their filthy hippie camping. I could fog the park for mosquitoes in support of their efforts.
Skeeters are BAD this year, thick as environmentalists.

Comment Re:Not just Reno (Score 2, Insightful) 444

I prefer to think of myself as sitting in cheapskate lala-land.
I really don't buy all the global warming horseshit, but, I'm betting that it's driving research for better solar panels and batteries.
I like the idea of producing my own electricity and I'd rather burn off the excess on a large Tesla Coil or Jacobs ladder display than to ever EVER deal with the Koch-owned electric company near me, again. Now, if I could just sink a well to some CLEAN water and operate my own still for a moonshine burnin' car, I'd be in lala-heaven. Fuck the utility company, along with the government, the cops, ex-spurts, doctors, lawyers and preachers, but mostly, that top heavy blonde down at the bar last Saturday night.

Comment Re:forest (Score 1) 100

Not until I can load the .wav into any number of samplers/editors/loopers and determine it for myself.
Vapor-sound carries about as much weight as Uncle Louies fish "this damned long" caught when no one was there with a camera.
For all I know, it's just some bullshit to stir up funding. I suspect that of a lot of "studies", also several fantastic experiments, loads of papers, several theses and more than one branch of science in general.
Produce the sound or quit sounding off about it. I'm still waiting for lead to transmute to gold, in claims far older.

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 264

Perhaps "uneventful video" should be deleted after a year. It's the "events" that are of concern, the busts, the crimes in progress, questioning witnesses and suspects or any other interaction with the public. Remember they are the publics paid employees, not gods, no PERSONAL business going on. In their position, they should be under CONSTANT supervision by their employers. For that matter Criminal cases in court should be broadcast locally, Federal should be broadcast Nationally. Even making the data searchable by the public, rather than broadcast is, at worst, dissemination of TRUTH. Perhaps footage from ongoing cases, could be suppressed in cases where life or death is a concern, until conviction. Law Enforcement and criminal footage need to be public property. Perhaps victims could request some editing, if it turns out to be damaging for them, Blur out their identifiers, but leave the criminal stuff. The activities of every cop, judge and politician on the payroll or clock ,ARE our business and need be treated as such, without delay. Accountability, clears up corruption nicely. Only BAD CORRUPT cops , judges and politicians wouldn't want the public to see their work and should be considered suspect.

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