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Comment Re:If you really had piles of $, ie the DOD.... (Score 2, Informative) 37

The Marines deploy to austere environments, so their requirements are typically a little different. Large rooms like the one you linked might work for the General's briefing in the rear (though I can't imagine a single Marine facility that would pay for something like that), but battalions downrange need something a little smaller. IAAFM (former Marine).

Comment Re:How about giving Tibet back to the Tibetans? (Score 2) 84

Tibet is strategically important to China, and I don't foresee them just giving it up because some hippies are holding protests. Tibet holds a huge supply of freshwater that flows into China. It has nothing to do with religion or politics, just natural resources. Similar situation for South China Sea. The US and countries friendly to the US control most of the shipping lanes and ports near China. South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan are all right in China's way. They desperately need North Korea and as much control of other shipping lanes as they can muster. They're not being assholes about Tibet and Taiwan; they're trying to defend themselves and stay alive.

Comment Re:Underwater? Yes. Robot? NO (Score 1) 71

Then the Google Car, my harddrive, and the Space Shuttle are all robots too, though no one calls them that. The definition from Wikipedia also says it usually looks like a human or animal, so those things and my toaster wouldn't count (though Wikipedia also include nanobots). As I said, it's a broad term that's not well defined.

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