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Comment Re:Unity is garbage, that's all you need to know. (Score 1) 143

I have yet to see a game made in Unity that was not obviously made in unity (more like just slightly less effort was put into really getting the details polished). They also all seem to suffer from comparative shittier performance. Maybe unreal has just been at it longer and bigger players use it and do amazing things with it, and it is just the community that has to catch up with Unity. Maybe. All I know is hearing a game is being made in Unity puts me off.

Comment Of Two Minds on This (Score 2) 234

While it would be great if the government offered Internet and gave many an option other than Comcast, I could see it going pretty Orwellian pretty quickly. The government offering its own service pretty much guarantees that they will subsidize the service more than they already subsidize ISPs. Making it impossible to compete. And the government would not have to pass any data retention laws if they already handled everyone's internet data. There is a point to not allowing the government to compete with businesses, and there are benefits to keeping the lawmakers and enforcers one degree of separation away from citizens.

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