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Comment Re:GMOs have so many different problems (Score 2) 188

Who cares if it can make money or not. That is simply not the correct metric to judge whether or not a certain type of patent (or other thing) should be allowed. We should not suddenly re-align all of our interests merely to pander to the desires of a few large megacorporations.

Our society is simply not driven by the need for Monsanto to make a buck.

Comment Re:Whatever means necessary? (Score 4, Interesting) 818

Kind of but not really. The North would have happily gone on with pretty much whatever the South wanted. The South just managed to not get it's way "exactly" just once and they had a collective hysterical hissy fit over it. In truth it was probably an unnecessary confrontation. Genuine abolitionists were an extremist minority in the North and most people everywhere were incredibly racist. For the first half of the war, the Union generals would have happily allowed the South to come back into the Union without any changes to the status quo. Eventually slavery became a military strategic issue and was attacked primarily for that reason.

It was ultimately really just an unnecessary temper tantrum.

Comment Re:Maybe, but you won't make it past HR (Score 1) 255

Some of us get out plenty.

You're just repeating a variation of the Microsoft fallacy. No. Not everything is total crap. You can escape the crapulence by finding a better option and staying away from the obvious crap.

Not all companies are the same.

You seem jealous and butthurt that some of us have managed to avoid whatever torment you've brought upon yourself.

Comment Re:"inefficient people and/or inefficient hiring" (Score 1) 255


Beaurocracies scale poorly. ALL of them do. This includes corporations. The larger the corporation, the more BS you're going to have to deal with. The larger the corporation, the more likely you will have to put up with "HR professionals". Them filtering out good candidates for no good reason is just the tip of the iceberg really.

Comment Re:Microsoft SQL Server (Score 1) 255

Nope. SQL Server is still not Office. The two have nothing to do with each other. The fact that your DBA candidate doesn't waste time or space on something as trivial as a spreadsheet app should not be held against him.

Again. Time clean out the HR department.

Comment Re:And we wonder why music is such crap these days (Score 4, Informative) 301

> This attitude of piracy hasn't helped anything whatsoever. Before piracy, we had Trent Reznors, Joe Satriani, and many other good artists promoted.

If you think that "piracy" and "freeloading" are anything new then you're an idiot. Perhaps you're just some cluless tweener that's simply too young to have experienced the world "pre internet".

Entire sub-genres of music only got a foothold through rampant piracy before relevant gatekeepers decided to relent.

The idea of new bands being put through the meat grinder paying their dues is also nothing new. I guess they just whined about it less and just stuck it out.

Comment Re:Inevitable escalation of a broken philosophy (Score 4, Insightful) 609

The only people that would think such a thing is silly are people that are completly ignorant of military history. Even recent history is littered with examples of the biggest military machine on the planet (and it's cronies) having much more trouble with "inferior" forces than they should.

"But you can't attack that tank with what you have."

Spoken like someone that never actually had any sort of military training.

Comment Re:Armored != Armed (Score 1) 609

Of course. Just like with "gun control", there will be exceptions carved out for the elites and government. In the end, an ample supply will still remain in society and the problem won't actually really be solved. You'll just disarm more of the responsible types.

This was a formerly "legit" armoured car tha got retired and surplussed out into some "normal civilians" hands.

Comment Re:Same thing only different (Score 1) 609

Are you kidding? It's pretty trivial to own or operate a bulldozer. Even if you aren't interested in the cost of owning it outright, you can still rent it for a day. Easy peasey.

I have no desire to meddle in the business of others.

If it don't trust my neighbors sufficiently, then I'm living in the wrong place.

Comment Re: Typical (Score 1) 609

> Does anyone really believe that doing something about cancer well prevent future illnesses?

We barely understand the problem and we're actually trying. What do you really think can be done that doesn't amount to buying into snake oil really?

Just like with gun violence, if you think there is some easy answer then you have no idea what the scope of the problem is.

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