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Comment Re:Hogwash (Score 4, Insightful) 282

One of the big reasons that I like Linux is the fact that it is really just a conventional server OS with a GUI bolted on top. That is not a bad thing. That is a very GOOD thing. That means that there is a solid foundation on top of all of the shiny shiny.

Linux is not Windows.

Linux is not MacOS.

There is no point in mutilating Linux to pander to people that will never appreciate Linux on it's own terms.

That's rather the whole point.

Comment Re:Nonsense (Score 5, Insightful) 282

I read the whole thing and I am still not convinced that this nonsense is of any value. Even as a desktop user, I don't see the point in systemd or upstart. The kids that need to look like they are busy with something need to leave well enough alone and actually fix something that needs fixing.

These idiots are trying to sell a false dichotomy and just assuming that their nonsense is necessary somewhere. They have yet to establish that is actually the case.

They have yet to make the case that any of this nonsense is even remotely necessary.

Comment Perfection is the enemy of the good. (Score 3, Interesting) 55

While it is true that there are any number of ways that the implementation of this could go horribly wrong in West Africa, the hard fact remains that they really don't have any other options. There's no "blue pill fairy" that's going to swoop down and save them. This isn't some episode of TNG where they can just technobabble their way out of the problem.

This may be a crazy hair brained idea but it seems to be the best thing they have going.

We ran out of the magical ebola drug after just 2 patients. Waiting on Big Pharma is probably not a good idea.

Comment Re:Big "history" or big science theories? (Score 1) 363

The big problem with this is that it's spoon feeding people a narrative that they should be able to come up with by themselves. Students should be able to make these connections on their own. For that they need all of the relevant source material. Something like this is no substitute for the courses it seems to displace.

As something extra, it's a nice idea for those with added interest. However, public schools have enough of a problem just handling the basics. Expecting them to take on something extra just shows how woefully out of touch this billionaire is.

Besides, it's not even that radical. Public broadcasting has presented shows like this for decades.

Again, extra stuff that those with an interest can seek out on their own.

Common core in general (like the rich idiot behind it) seems to forget that we can't all be millionaires and rock stars. Some of us have to pump gas or pump stomachs. Public education should acknowledge that rather than try to deny it.

Comment Re:At home too (Score 0) 185

>> There's nothing easy about getting various H/W setup on Linux even with the best distro.
> What era do you live in? I've been using Ubuntu since inception and, since the second or third release, it's been better with hardware than Windows.

I defected to Ubuntu 8 years ago because I saw it "just work" on some random laptop. This was supposed to be the era of Linux not working on laptops. It worked like a charm including wireless and the annoying sleep modes that I immediately disabled.

Comment Re:Same reason blu-ray didn't take off (Score 2) 204

> Personally speaking, I prefer the BluRay copy of "Breaking Bad" then a not quite always HD stream... then again I have a record collection, so what does that say about me

Even a DVD copy of Breaking Bad will probably be better than streaming it. Streaming quality can go to crap pretty quickly. Plus you have to "download" a stream any time you watch one. This is wasteful, consumes your data cap, and again exposes you to the problem of quality degredation.

Comment Re:Compatibility (Score 4, Interesting) 185

> You can't easily exchange documents with GNU/Linux and expect it to work.

Sure you can. Or at least you can as much as you can expect this to work with random versions of office itself. This problem is so pervasive that you won't even get blamed for running a deviant word processor if there are problems.

msoffice based document interchange is so problematic that some people/industries just gave up and defected to PDF.

Like anything else, you have to focus on actual real world requirements and use cases and not the most obscure corner case that you can concoct. The same goes for "groupware". I am not convinced that this is a big problem.

Again... what people actually use versus someone's chosen bullet points.

Comment Re:One bad apple spoils the barrel (Score 4, Insightful) 1134

It gets even better. Marketing that panders to girls is no less misogynistic. It's actually even WORSE. Marketing for women is all about making women feel like sh*t, especially about their bodies. The stuff is more caustic then genuine porn.

This is just more of the "nerds bad" narrative that the media has been trying to feed us lately. In truth, "gamer culture" is no worse than anything else including the women's magazines that claims to be feminist.

Anything going on in video games is the tail end of the problem.

Comment Re:One bad apple spoils the barrel (Score 1) 1134

Yes. This is clearly driven by money. You pander to your audience. If it drives someone else bonkers, you don't really give a sh*t. All of the recent statements in the media is just meaningless lip service directed at a particularly noisy faction of nitwits.

They're the yin to the trollish yang that they are whining about.

Nothing will really come of this because American corporations are first and foremost about the bottom line. They aren't going to turn down the money. It doesn't matter if they genuinely despise the customer or not.

So this little tempest is nothing more than professional trolling and confirmation that real journalism is dead.

Comment Re:learn Portuguese (Score 3, Insightful) 129

If you are big enough to have a branch office in Timbuktu then you should be big enough for there to be someone in the home office that speaks whatever they speak there.

Of course this runs counter to the current corporate culture fad of cost cutting and defining success based on quarterly profits and stock results.

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