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Comment Re:As soon as it gets popular (Score 1) 393

The only advantage that BSD has is the ability to piss off developers. People describe the GPL as some sort of communist crusade but it really came about because of rather practical considerations.

Most charitable people don't want to feel they have been taken advantage of.

Beyond that, the Toddler's Dilemma really impacts very few people. Most people (and even companies) don't see the need to pretend that someone else's work is their exclusive property.

Comment Re:That clinches it. (Score 1) 393

That's funny because any time I install Linux from scratch it "just works". Whenever I try this with Windows, it NEVER does.

I can't imagine a normal consumer going through all of that trouble on their own.

The only reason that Windows "works" for anyone (or MacOS for that matter) is that it's already preloaded and ready to go.

Comment Re:That clinches it. (Score 2) 393

> Hardly. The "year of Linux on the desktop" is indeed understood to mean some form of market dominance.

So? Apple managed fine without this.

It's a DOS centric mindset that demands that a successful consumer microcomputing product must WIPE OUT all of the other options. Although it does nicely frame the problem that any alternative faces.

Comment Re:That clinches it. (Score 0) 393

> I'm in a similar situation with similar requirements, which is why I use OSX.

Unfortunately, that means that you have to use Mac hardware. That's not really a good tradeoff at all. That's especially true if you are ignoring the parts that are most often used by anyone else.

Comment Re:Taken to the cleaners... (Score 1) 132

If you can destroy a competitors device in this fashion then it's clearly broken. All of this whining about vandalism and "bush league" sabotage is really just glossing over the sad fact that such "sabotage" is even possible to begin with.

It seems that this guy only did what anyone else at the expo was able to do.

It should not be that easy to destroy a washer... even a prototype.

Comment Re:fvwm is what I use, anyway (Score 1) 755

> The simple fact of the matter is that Systemd does everything, that other init systems do, at least as well,

No it doesn't. Many of us already have systems that have been broken by this new shit. Meanwhile, we really don't care about these alleged things that systemd is supposed to be able to do that init can't.

Also don't kid yoursef. systemd would have been rejected in the dawn of day for breaking the design philosophy of Unix.

That is these "ideological grounds" you speak of. Bad design. Poorly thought through.

Comment Re:Pointless (Score 1) 755

> While it all sounds nice, you do realize 99.99% of the population just sort of wants their computer to work.


Messing around with a fundemental low level part of the system when it is simply not broken is retarded.

It is true that many of us want our systems to "just work". The problem is that the replacements for initd DON'T DO THAT. They come of as the work of bored children that need a distraction.

If you want to go on some sort of crusade, actually find something that's an actual problem.

Comment Re:Sad (Score 1) 254

Ironically enough they probably don't "feel welcome" because of how shabbily companies like IBM treat their talent.

It also doesn't help that nerds are shat on in popular culture and the communications and journalism majors never pass up an opportunity to dump on nerds even more. This article and your response is another fine example.

When measured up to "lawyer babes" and "doctor babes", how can STEM hope to captivate a crowd that is still quite honestly still in the thrall Vogue and Glamour?

Comment Re:Just turn off the Smart TV features (Score 0) 330

> They aren't manditory.

So? They're still there and open for abuse either by some hacker or by the company that put those features there to begin with.

The most secure web server is the one that's not even installed.

The whole point of this nonsense is that these devices aren't in our control. We can't burn this stuff to the ground. The best we can do is set a flag somewhere. It's like "uninstalling" Internet Exploder from Windows.

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