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Comment Re:I suppose, but (Score 3, Informative) 149

I second this. I'm in a specialty like OP, embedded software in C/C++. Like OP I've been feeling the heat due to economic slowdown, defense cuts, sequestration, etc.
After looking into switching software fields to web/database I decided to stick with embedded. The fact is that there is still a demand for embedded software and I'd have to take a significant pay cut to switch out of it. I guess it boils down to if you want more *perceived* job security at lower pay or to take your chances at higher pay.

Comment Bullshit! (Score 4, Interesting) 597

How about the federal government and higher education address the root causes that contributed to a 1000% increase in tuition and fees since 1980?
Low cost federally subsidized student loans are a major part of this problem. It's bad enough that this is a huge overstepping of federal authority. The availablility of billions of dollars of cheap money has fueled the fire of educational hyperinflation. Take away the cheap money - tuitions go down.
Maybe more people in Congress should go take EC101 again (for the first time).

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