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Comment Re:Lot of people moved there for the warm weather (Score 1) 231

California was home to mexicans, native americans like myself, and a small outpost of Russians as well.

You can find some of the native american names out in the wilderness areas, and the major
cities still hold mexican names to this day.



Comment Re:Dontcha need wetter for more fuel? (Score 1) 231

The reduction in cutting of firebreaks does explain it though.

The expansion of housing into areas that are prone to wildfires and mudslides
also explains it.

If the houses were made of Adobe, and active firebreak management was
done the problem would still exist, but much less prone to major disaster.

Comment Re:True (Score 1) 231

This poster is correct, the CALFIRES ppl had warned back in 2015 it was a disaster
waiting to happen, but they were for the most part blown off.

If they had turned lose the bulldozers for firebreaks and controlled burns
this could have been much less damaging.

The fires would have happened still, but they'd have been easier to fight,
and less likely to spread, and access via firebreak roads would have
allowed a 2nd layer of making the fires easier to fight.

In this case an ounce of prevention would have been worth a mountainside of cure.

Comment Re:Here come those Santa Ana winds again (Score 1) 231

My recommendation for recurring fires in California is a return to good firebreaks,
and an incentive to build out of Adobe as it does not burn if you make sure no wood
is exposed.


Some modern Adobe buildings look damn nice too.


Comment Re: I love that: (Score 1) 231

Yes, lightning is a huge factor.

I have hiked many miles in many forests, and I almost always see one lightning struck tree.

It has been this way for all my life, and I got a few decades behind me.

Now most of them in my area do not trigger a wildfire because we get quite a
bit of rain as this is not a desert.

As I said in my other related post the areas that get lightning but little rain
it can get ugly.

"During 2007-2011, U.S. local fire departments responded to an estimated average of 22,600 fires per year that were started by lightning. "


22,000 per year....yeah I knew it was high, didn't know it was THAT high.

Comment Re:I love that: (Score 1) 231

In major fires in the rock layers you will get an Ash layer similar to the KT boundary.

Thou of course it will not be as pronounced as the KT boundary and limited in geological area.

I think lightning strike started wildfires are far more common then 1 or 2 a century.

Especially in areas that are very dry and get lightning with little to no rain, such as desert.

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