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Comment Re:How long will it take slashdot to spin this? (Score 2, Insightful) 106

Setting aside the particular example of Mr. Gates, does it seem fair to say,"[Person X] has done a good thing. Therefore, nobody can dislike him or object to anything else he does!"

No, but if there's a conversation going on about said "good thing" it is a little unreasonable for people to jump in the middle of it to shout "Yeah but he did this bad thing 15 years ago!". Yes, Gates did bad stuff. There are plenty of articles on Slashdot about the bad stuff that he's done (and that his legacy continues to contribute to). This isn't one of those articles. Couldn't we just take a minute to say "Mr Gates is doing something worthwhile with his money".

Comment Re:How many engineers does it take to screw netfli (Score 5, Insightful) 243

Engineer - "Hey Boss, we need some cash to upgrade the connection to these networks."
Boss - "What?! We just upgraded those connections a couple years ago"
Engineer - *rolls eyes* "Well the link is saturated, looks like lots of people watching online video... Netflix comes in over this connection so it makes sense"
Boss - "First they take our subscribers now they're forcing us to upgrade our equipment... well fuck em!"
Engineer - "Waaah?"
Boss - "You heard me, fuck em!"
Engineer - "But... our customers will get terrible service when they try to watch Netflix, or do anything else on that network for that matter"
Boss - "Exactly!"

Comment Re:WHy net neutrality doesn't work (Score 1) 243

Stuff like this is why I think Net Neutrality discussions miss the mark - you're not going to fix the problem that way, you're only going to cause the cable companies to achieve the same throttling through other technical means.

You can make crap like this illegal, in fact it arguably already is without net neutrality legislation.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 764

Unfortunately lots of people. Some of them young gay people facing harassment, others are the ones doing the harassing. When it comes to certain sub-subjects (such as legally recognized marriage), only a very narrow majority "don't care" and we only crossed that threshold very recently.

So yes it's great that an anonymous "who cares" gets modded up on Slashdot, I think it says good things about our community. But at the same time it's a bit of patting ourselves on the back about how forward thinking and accepting we all are.

Comment Re:Completely appropriate venue (Score 1) 1007

The "discussion" as you call it has been going on since Origin of the Species was written. One side of the "discussion" has brought 150 years of scientific research and refinement the other has brought... the bible... or at least some interpretation of it, an interpretation that would have horrified and/or confused most theologian from 2000 BC to 1800 AD.

Comment Re:For Starters (Score 4, Informative) 320

$60 billion dollars are spent on truck driver salary's in the US. If automated vehicles achieve a 1% improvement in fuel economy (which is ludicrously conservative) you would save the economy another $45 billion in fuel costs. Not to mention the hundreds of millions of hours of wasted time, tens of thousands of deaths, and hundreds of thousands of injuries that could be possibly be prevented or at least reduced.

Comment Re:This is silly (Score 2) 720

wage increase don't happen in a vacuum

From what I've seen, one side of the debate assumes they're in a vacuum, the other side assumes that they are spherical and exist in still water. Both sides are wrong, nearly equally so. Economies are chaotic, actors aren't rational, externalities drive changes in both directions. You talk in absolutes just as thoroughly as the people you are arguing against, and with about the same amount of evidence to back it up.

Comment Re:my thoughts (Score 1) 372

The two people who got sick from Thomas Eric Duncan were directly involved with caring for him at the hospital and obviously didn't follow the procedures well enough to keep from getting infected. But now that the 21 day period has passed none of the people he was living with in Dallas got infected.

It's the difference between being at home with a fever and diarrhea and being at the hospital bleeding out every pore of your body with explosive diarrhea unable to get up and use the toilet. Someone's gotta clean it up, not to put too fine a point on it.

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