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Comment Re:Who cares what it means? Are people buying it? (Score 1) 170

Rather unlikely after this revelation.

People who don't care about a secure communication line won't buy it because they don't care about having a secure communication line.
People who do care about a secure communication line won't buy it because they do care about having a secure communication line.

Comment Re:You don't say! (Score 1) 137

The implications are far further reaching than whether you can wash your dirty tax laundry somewhere offshore. This is about a country wanting to reach into the jurisdiction of another country and dictating them how to behave. That is unacceptable, especially from a country that is considered friendly. How do you think the US would react if Ireland told them to hand over documents from the branch of an Irish company 'cause they think that they try to harbor documents belonging to the IRA there.

Just in case anyone comes in and says "but terrorism"...

Comment Re:Probably cruel but... (Score 3, Insightful) 137

Well, if the US get their way in this case, who in their sane mind would host it with a US company?

That's the main reason why the others side with MS in this one. If the US get their way, no company on this planet would touch a data center that is remotely in league with a US based company with a 10 foot pole.

Comment Re:Fix (Score 5, Insightful) 137

The US cannot force a sovereign foreign company? The US can force (or "persuade") entire countries and groups of countries to dance when they play the pipe, you think this would change anything?

TTIP, anyone? So far I cannot see anything in there that is NOT exclusively beneficial to the US and puts everyone else at a severe disadvantage, but do you see any kind of protest against it from inside governments?

Comment Re:'it is out of stock now; try to ask next year.' (Score 1) 115

Well, that depends on what you consider a guaranteed secure future. Having everything you ever want forever? Nope. Mostly because we do not have unlimited resources (yet, let's wait for energy-matter conversion). Basically that's why we're in the current economic crisis, because we noticed that it's impossible for us to maintain a luxury living standard for everyone, so to secure the luxury living standard of the upper crust the plebs have to be pushed back down.

Comment Re:So the media dick-waving goes into the next rou (Score 1) 302

I thought that was evident from the text, but allow me to clarify it: Of course I do not copy content (unless the license agreement actually allows it). I had to do with a lot of games that I really wanted to have. Which in hindsight has more often than not actually saved me from some grief, anger and disappointment (from Sim City to Assassin's Creed).

It's a matter of principle. I can do without their content. The question is only if they can do without my money. Because lost sales actually hurt by as much as you'd pay for it, considering that there is near zero proportional costs in content, and fixed costs have to be recovered by fewer units being sold.

Give me what I want and I'll buy. Don't and watch how I'll survive without it, and without too much of a dent in my quality of life.

Comment Re:'it is out of stock now; try to ask next year.' (Score 1) 115

The joke was something like

Question to great radio Jeriwan: We hear that the victory of communism is already at the horizon. What is a horizon?
Answer from great radio Jeriwan: The horizon is an imaginary line where the ground meets the sky, and no matter how fast you try to run towards it, you will never reach it.

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