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Submission + - HullCoin launched as 'local digital currency' (bbc.co.uk)

Big Hairy Ian writes: A virtual currency designed to be a "local digital currency", has been launched by Hull City Council.
In the form of digital "tokens", HullCoins can be used to pay council tax and for goods and services from firms signed up to the scheme. Hull City Council said it hoped the scheme would eventually be extended to the major supermarket chains. David Shepherdson, from the City Council, said HullCoins would have "a social purpose".

Submission + - Translucent Oyster Shells May Pave The Way To Better Armor

GTRacer writes: The Slate Report has an interesting summary and lay analysis of a recent research paper (paywalled) in Nature Materials . This materials research focused on the properties of the "clear enough to read through" windowpane oyster shell. Ling Li and Christine Ortiz analyzed the way the shell's structure contained penetration damage by "twinning", a split of the damaged ceramic structures into smaller regions which helps limit the effects of impacts. Engineered ceramic armor or structural systems with high translucence and damage mitigation could come next: "A clear, lightweight, damage-resistant material has obvious applications for military and police personnel, including eye and face protection. However, there are many potential applications such as windows and windshields which could benefit everyone," much as Kevlar has.

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