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Comment Re:I do not consent (Score 1) 851

We have determined that your walnut products are promoted for conditions that cause them to be drugs because these products are intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease.

The FDA made it clear, the claims are RESERVED for drugs, not healthy eating.

Comment Re:I do not consent (Score 1) 851

some unsubstantiated health claims

Absolutely false. The claims were substantiated, the problem with it was, the claims that Omega-3 Fatty Acids cross over into claims ONLY drugs can make. Therein lies the rub.

omega-3 fatty acids, using claims such as “fatty acids your body needs for promoting heart health.”

If you look at the research on Omega-3 Fatty Acids, the claims are true, the problem is no drug company can make a profit selling something that occurs in nature, without modification.

The problem wasn't the claims, the problem was that the claims are only allowed by the FDA for "Drugs" See the following link for details the FDA is lying about ...

Please make sure you follow all the references at the bottom of this article.

Here is the quote, From the FDA, which makes clear that it is the CLAIMS they have a problem with, not the science behind the claims ..

We have determined that your walnut products are promoted for conditions that cause them to be drugs because these products are intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease.

If eating healthy "prevents, mitigates and treats" disease, then any claims that eating healthy would classify it as a drug. THAT is the problem.

Comment Re:I do not consent (Score -1, Troll) 851

a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

We're going with Political Theory of Social Organization, and the creation of laws to force people into collective thinking/actions (Community), including "exchange" (Not allow to buy a 64OZ Cola!).

I know the definition. The problem is, you don't like the application of the definition to the cases I suggested. In this case, regulating the exchange for 64 OZ colas and Sodium usage in restaurants.

Comment Re:I do not consent (Score -1, Troll) 851

Then you should also sign a card saying you are not entitled ...

ObamaCare / Universal Health Care and Socialism in general tells me I am entitled, regardless of how I eat. Otherwise, we'd ban all the crap food found in our fast food and supermarkets. Have you seen the ingredients on a Twinkie? On the other hand, socialism is trying to ban large sodas and sodium (salt) in NYC so there is that to consider.

Fuck freedom, SAFETY FOR ALL!

Comment Re:Well, yes... (Score 2, Interesting) 323

You don't get to be a leader, by being a nice guy in the commitee

I'm convinced that committees are the death of real leadership. A real leader takes advice and makes decisions decisively. Best leaders always have detractors, usually weak people who want a committee to decide things, after all who wants to follow a dictator? It is much easier to put the blame on a good leader than it is to blame a committee.

And Committees tend to make "safe" decisions, but are just as wrong (if not more so) than a strong leader. A real leader can see when things aren't going well, and make adjustments, where a committee only takes up time while everyone is discussing what the best move is.

I have a great disdain for committees, mainly because they are formed to avoid leadership responsibility.

Comment Re:LOL ... awesome ... (Score 1) 124

Good Salespeople cannot be automated away. And contrary to popular opinion, the best ones won't lie to you, because you'll always associate the lie with the person lying.

Good Sales is all about the customer's needs, and making sure you address them. I have told plenty of "customers" that my product/service wasn't a good fit for them and recommended someone/something else. In the end, many of them came back when it was a good fit.

That being said, the best line I had for getting rid of an unrealistic customer... "Looks like you want a good buy" ... "yup" ... "Good Bye!"

Comment Re:Mixture (Score 2) 312

Worry about problems that actually exist

Actually, worry about risk, not problems. There are tons of problems in the world, many of which are low risk if you know how to avoid them. However, in this case, there is little one can do to prevent the risk on a personal level, while at the same time, a high probability that such a problem actually come to fruition. AND by the time it does come into being, is already too late for Freedom.

Please, do not take the idea of liberty slipping away slowly, as it is already happening. Liberty is something we must ALWAYS guard diligently.

Comment Re:Male-ness is a Secondary Characteristic (Score 1) 166

That's fine as long as the "Men and women tend to be different" for non-discriminatory differences.

Define ... non-discriminatory differences?

How does one tell a gender preference towards solitary work (Computer Programming) or towards social type work (nursing, teachers, social work) verses discrimination based on gender by statistics alone?

The problem is, that we are ascribing as discriminatory, things that just might be normal and natural, but statistically looks like gender bias. This is my complaint about under-representation claims, based on statistics alone. Yes, they are underrepresented, but maybe it is because of gender selection (preference) trends.

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