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Comment Re: Here's MY test (Score 1) 522

But they are being discouraged earlier than that sometimes. The parent who says good girls don't do technical stuff. The peer pressure from other classmates. And so forth. Girls used to be interested in this stuff, now it's a lot rarer, there's got to be a deeper reason than a statistical anomaly.

Okay, the numbers are different now than they used to be in the 80's. Why do you think that this MUST be due to sexism, frat-boy environment, etc? There is no evidence for any those things you believe in.

Comment Re:Normal women... (Score 1) 765

I proposed no change. I just pointed out that you are mindlessly following society's inconsistent and illogical stance.

And I'm proposing that there is nothing illogical and inconsistent in asserting that speech itself is without harm. Luckily for you, everyone agrees with me and you are allowed to say what you like, the way you are currently saying what you like, without legal remedies being applied to yourself.

If, as you propose, speech itself is found to be harmful then, due to you not following society's norms, society would prevent you from expressing your thoughts due to someone, somewhere, who considers your speech to be harmful.

I'm constantly amazed by people who espouse that speech should be limited, but ironically do not realise that such a rule would prevent them from stating their opinion in the first place.

Comment Re:PHP is fine (Score 1) 182

I think the problem a lot of programmers have with PHP is that it originally was written by very inexperienced programmer(s) and it still (?) shows.

(1) So was Python.

(2) So does Python.

Python is only slightly more consistent than PHP, but gets much more bad press than PHP. I always wonder why that is.

Comment Re:Normal women... (Score 1) 765

What harm does a water balloon that blows up on your roof (without a drop hitting a window or landing under your tires) do? None, yet you find it illegal. Same as words. Only you find those legal. And you can't explain the difference. Got it.

Not me, society does. I'm just agreeing with society. You're the one proposing the change, you provide society with reasons.

Comment Re:Normal women... (Score 1) 765

Offense is nothing like physical force, which is what a water balloon imparts.

So if I blow on your hand, I've used "physical force" and thus committed an assault? Does it matter of the "blowing" of air was from speaking? I can measure the "physical force" speech causes. Microphones are designed to measure and record that physical force. But you have an inarticulable line between speech and "force" where the force has no force. For the water balloon, what if it misses the car, and the driver still panicked and crashed?

Regardless of your personal belief, a water balloon has a physical quantity while words do not. You are unlikely to find many people agreeing with you if you maintain that words flying through the air and a water-filled balloon flying through the air are similar.

Comment Re:Define "Threatened" and "Unwelcome" (Score 1) 765

Ah so apparently there's some slashdot "rule" where I'm only supposed to reply to you if you reply to me first. Righty ho.

The reason you've been seeing a lot of me is because it appears that we both like the same threads. Only one of us consistently lies about things other people say, and it isn't me who does that.

I like how you never retracted your comment, nor tried to back up your claim.

I didn't make any claim to retract, other than (let me try again because you seem to be a slow learner):

The world does not care about your feels,

Neither do I, as a matter of fact.

Comment Re:Animal House (Score 1) 765

You'd be right if "socially" referred to the people who hang out on GitHub, which isn't exactly going to be a very precise reflection of society in general. Something can be wildly popular on GitHub and still be moronic to the rest of society.

His point stands, yours doesn't.

His point was regarding dick jokes, which Monty Python proved to be wildly popular with in Life of Brian. My point still stands, in that society saw nothing wrong with an extended "dick jokes" scene before and they are thus unlikely to do so now.

You are quite welcome to believe that society is siding with you and the rest of the peanut gallery, but the evidence indicates otherwise. Dick jokes in all sorts of contexts remain to be seen as funny by the world.

Comment Re:Define "Threatened" and "Unwelcome" (Score 1) 765

then your oh so precious feels are hurt...

Out of interest, do you realise that you're a pathological liar or is this subconscious trait?

I challenge you to find any time I've made any objection to the DICSS project (you won't because I haven't and it's long list of entertaining dick jokes).

Well, you *have* been following me around and replying to my every comment even when you have nothing to say that's on-topic, so I tend to agree that there is something pathological going on. I mean, after all, I don't reply to your every comment with an off-topic post, do I?

Comment Re:Define "Threatened" and "Unwelcome" (Score 1) 765

You are advocating limiting someone's non-harmful free speech while using the platform of free speech to do so.

[citation needed]

Or in other words, you seriously need to learn to read, unless you're so stupid that you believe tho opposite but don't realise it.

Free speech means that everyone including assholes get to say what they want, and that includes telling assholes that they're assholes.

So, you can blither on mindlessly based on your inability to read and I can call you an idiot for doing so.

Yes, you can, inaccurate though it may be. You can also note, like I've already said, that the world doesn't think your "feels" are important enough to be protected and that's the way it should remain (and probably will for the foreseeable future). Interestingly enough, no one objected to Monty Python making dick jokes, but if a techie does it, then your oh so precious feels are hurt...

In case your lack of comprehension skills hurt your feels again, let me reiterate - the world does not care about your feels, because then it has to care about my feels too.

Comment Re:Reminds of of something at a past job (Score 1) 765

How is the enjoyment of dick jokes related to someone's ability to do anything? I know a few chemists and a viral biologist who have the filthiest sense of humour imaginable. (the plural of anecdote is data)

Oh, filthy humor can be very funny and clever. But just saying "dick" a bunch of times is neither.

The world seems to have disagreed with you already; just ask my friend Biggus Dickus. Let's face it - a great deal of british humour (especially from the "carry on" series and Monty Python) revolved around genitalia.

Comment Re:On being offended (Score 1) 765

If you don't like it you're free to fork DICSS or even ignore it completely if you have no use for DICSS.

Sure, just don't piss and moan when a private platform like GitHub decides not to host it for you.

Well, if you're going to use your free-speech ability to condemn it, you hurl insults at those who use the very same fee-speech ability to condone it without looking a little bit hypocritical, right?

Oh, right, it's you - the one who hurls insults at people and then wonder why so few women want to join his "community"...

Comment Re:On being offended (Score 1) 765

Yes, we should make women welcome in FOSS. That doesn't mean we can't enjoy a good laugh at the same time.

I'm curious, poet. Is there anything about this DICSS project that gave you "a good laugh"? How old are you that references to a penis is the height of comedy?

I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were drafted into the comedy police who gets to decide what is funny and what is not...

Oh, wait...

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