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Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 1) 556

You've gone from maybe having a shred of an argument to now just parroting what someone has called you out on instead of debating the point.

Run along now and try to find some kids stupid enough to believe your lies. Perhaps try arming yourself with some MSPaint images!!

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 0) 556

At the end of the day I think we can BOTH agree that political agendas don't belong in gaming

You honestly have no concept of what this means do you?

Having Bufffist Manstrong, white straight male as the default protagonist IS a political statement.

Having a game where america's army goes around saving the world IS a political statement.

Having a game of Civilizations where the best way to achieve victory is through scientific exploration IS a political statement.

You've become so saturated in what you believe is the "absence of politics" you've never stopped to realize that you might be advocating for the existence of your brand of politics in video gaming.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 1) 556

Other than the mountain of IRC logs and screencaps proving that this was, from the start, a way to hide attacks on women behind something lofty as "ethics in game journalism", what is the point of gamergate?

Literal proof we've had since the first weeks that this was ALL to hide a campaign of harassment, and your proof of a few MSPaint conspiracy images now disproves them all?

It's depressing to see people like this, those that fall hook line and sinker that they're fighting for something important, when really they are just fueling a campaign of harassment.

Even on Slashdot, that's full of a fair amount of kids who think like you, has modded you a Troll. How strong is your cognitive dissonance here?

Comment Re: Who? (Score 1) 556

Proof! Proof! Proof! Proof! Proof!

It's as if you need to literally watch the person walk up to a woman and say "I will murder you, here is my social security number for verification of identity."

Have you ever stop to think that it's a little strange that these "made up threats" (or whatever you believe they are) are happening near constantly? Ever find it weird that outside of the small contigency that makes up GamerGate, the vast majority of major publications seem to believe the accusations?

But please, link me to some proof that you AREN'T sending the death threats, I'll eagerly await the link to encyclopedia dramatica or know your meme or whatever you kids use these days.

Comment Re:Most Unbiased Slashdot Gamergate Article (Score 2) 556

Why do you believe the gaming industry will be turned into a "radfem mandatory inclusion" platform?

This is completely ludicrous. This is not a zero-sum game. We can have games that don't treat women like pieces of meat AND you can still have your Call of Duty games.

When I see comments like yours proclaiming some end-days of "traditional gaming" I wonder what MSPaint conspiracy image you pulled that line from.

Comment Re:Inside MY Gaming community... (Score 1) 556

Your comment:

1. Has nothing to do with the article.
2. Goes completely off topic about the quality of first person shooters?
3. Is being upvoted because Slashdot's average user is as bad as the beta looks.

(and if you don't care I will ask why you felt the need to inform us exactly of how much you don't care)

Comment Re:Media blackout (Score 3, Insightful) 556

This malaise is the problem.

One side is saying "women get treated like shit in video games, this has to stop".

The other side is sending death threats and harassing the family members of these women.

The reason you don't care (and the reason you still felt you needed to comment TELLING us you don't care) is because you're lucky enough to have the luxury and privilege to ignore these stories. For the women and people of color who are being constantly assaulted because they had the nerve to say "hey this culture sucks for us," do not have this luxury.

Comment Re:Who? (Score 1) 556

You cannot speak for a movement that exists solely as a hashtag.

Without any kind of organization and actual accountability for "GamerGate"'s actions, anyone can claim to be part of GamerGate - and they are.

GamerGate is a campaign of harassment of women games and PoC in gaming. I wish you the best in coming to terms with this fact.

Comment Re:It increased gamers' average age (Score 1) 101

I hear this complaint a lot but I am wondering what games actually required the entire control stick at once? There was never any indication that you were supposed to hold all three "prongs" at once, no N64 game had you attempt this, and the manual even instructed that you'd be using the controller in one of two ways.

Normally you'd either use the Dpad and L button, or analogue stick and Z button. You gained no more buttons depending on the position of your left hand.

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