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Comment Re:Kickstarter is not an investment (Score 1) 535

Has it?
I mean it was literal /hours/ when you made this post, after the announcement, and already you can state that the entire environment has drastically changed?

Can you please fill us in on the details, or is this just conjecture because "facebook sux"?

(I do not deny that facebook does indeed suck, but let's try to tamper down on these VR IS OVER!!! posts because of a sale)

Comment Re: Farmville! (Score 1) 535

I would also post uninformed baseless guesses as AC as well.

Remember your first hard drive?
Remember your first internet?

If you don't think we will be able to capture that much data in your lifetime then I hope you are really old, or really naive.

Comment Re:"In discussions" (Score 2) 300

I mean I get that it's an "important backer" (what percentage of $2.4M is $10k?) pulling out, but there really has been no discussion or public planning of Minecraft to the OR.

I don't like Facebook owning OR, but at the same time I don't like people treating notch like some god of indies. I guess it was unfair to ask why this was "news" worthy.

I should be asking: why does anyone care what notch thinks about a device he has no input on other than: "yo fuck facebook"?

Comment Re:Flight recorder (Score 1) 491

You: have a phone on that is constantly pinging both cell and wifi towers/hotspots - all which help you be identified. You also probably travel around the same places every day, even further narrowing down where exactly you'll be at any given hour.

MH370: has had all of it's communications turned off, turned around, then flew in a pretty much unknown heading for 7+ HOURS, in a FREAKING PLANE.

So no, they cannot track down a plane over the middle of an ocean nobody watches because it's the middle of a god damned ocean and nobody watches it.

Comment Re:Flight recorder (Score 1) 491

I've gone off the (assumption) that it's just a combination of money & effort.

It costs money to upgrade the black boxes, might cost money to change how we can "read' this information (if they are all some standard device that is) and even more money (and/or effort) to get all planes to use these new black boxes.

Every time a plane goes missing or down there is a huge outcry for better plane tracking technology. But then time goes on, planes aren't constantly being lost, and the amount of money it would take to upgrade everyone ends up looking like more effort than it's worth. Kind of a sad situation.

Comment Re:Apple? (Score 1) 409

If you make it through school and you cannot "figure out" anything in the typical daily-use of MS Office you deserve to be left behind.

Is this how little faith we have in ourselves now? If we don't get a full 8 week course on Word nobody will know how to use it?

Are you assuming we all are as stupid as you are?

If someone survives highschool/college/post-grad without using Office by all means get that person - they're obviously smart enough to coexist in a world dominated by MS Office, and that shows some level of intelligence and flexibility.

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