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Comment Re:FBI is bored, needs more business... (Score 1) 556

I assume the 13 in your username is either the year you graduated highschool, or your current age; because the inability to see that this is an issue larger than some kids fighting in comment sections speaks volumes of your knowledge on the subject.

Thank you for sharing your empty comment, do you have a blog I can subscribe to in case I want to hear how little you care on other subjects? Perhaps a twitter account?

Comment Re:cowardice (Score 1) 556

GamerGate is not a real movement, it has refused all attempts to become a real movement, because of this ANYONE who claims they are GamerGate, are GamerGate.

Your refusal (or naivete) to accept this fact is pretty telling in all your arguments. You think just because you aren't personally harassing anyone, then GamerGate is just a big'ol happy consumer movement, that can do no harm.

Cognitive dissonance is strong here.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 1) 556

You've gone from maybe having a shred of an argument to now just parroting what someone has called you out on instead of debating the point.

Run along now and try to find some kids stupid enough to believe your lies. Perhaps try arming yourself with some MSPaint images!!

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 0) 556

At the end of the day I think we can BOTH agree that political agendas don't belong in gaming

You honestly have no concept of what this means do you?

Having Bufffist Manstrong, white straight male as the default protagonist IS a political statement.

Having a game where america's army goes around saving the world IS a political statement.

Having a game of Civilizations where the best way to achieve victory is through scientific exploration IS a political statement.

You've become so saturated in what you believe is the "absence of politics" you've never stopped to realize that you might be advocating for the existence of your brand of politics in video gaming.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 1) 556

Other than the mountain of IRC logs and screencaps proving that this was, from the start, a way to hide attacks on women behind something lofty as "ethics in game journalism", what is the point of gamergate?

Literal proof we've had since the first weeks that this was ALL to hide a campaign of harassment, and your proof of a few MSPaint conspiracy images now disproves them all?

It's depressing to see people like this, those that fall hook line and sinker that they're fighting for something important, when really they are just fueling a campaign of harassment.

Even on Slashdot, that's full of a fair amount of kids who think like you, has modded you a Troll. How strong is your cognitive dissonance here?

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