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Comment Re:Thats not good (Score 1) 598

Except for developers of applications who decide to make inexplicible design changes (cough AMAROK) where you dont have the expertise to fork, sure.

Anyone feel like forking Gnome 2? It shouldnt be hard!

By your logic, with a PC you dont have to put up with anyone's crap cause you can just write your own OS, SSL library, and browser from scratch! Yay, how productive!

Comment Re:Are emails copyrighted ? (Score 1) 138

Do people in the US want to enjoy the role of a free and unrestrained press or enter a new UK like legal system of professional responsibility and legal safeguards?

I dont know. Does the UK system cause fundamental human nature to change such that you can trust those in power to act responsibly with no scrutiny?

Comment Re:Hope it is blocked. (Score 3, Interesting) 145

Try talking to people from China more often.

I speak with them quite often, and my acquaintance with China is not casual. I would however be foolish to reveal the nature of that acquaintance publicly, and will not do so; you can either believe me, or not. However I have not known anyone to refer to the church as anything other than "the Three Self church"-- never by its full name, to the point where I had no clue that it had a fuller name.

- I agree with you on the "communism" thing which is why i put it in quotes but tell me what the "official" name of the government party in power is called?

Zimbabwe and North Korea both have "democratic" and/or "republic" in their name, as did the country run by the Khmer Rouge; they are anything but. Technically, China also has the word "republic" in its name, but its a bit of a stretch given that which party you vote for is pre-decided and local rulers (ie Hong Kong) are selected by the government.

As to whether Slashdot is banned in China, I could find out pretty easily, but in any case im sure the 50 Cent Partyhas a special dispensation to bypass the GFW in order to bend opinion.

I do hate to pull out the shill card, but there are a large number of anonymous posts in this thread where the author is both highly defensive of Chinese policy and highly critical of US policy, which is a strategy (changing the discussion, goalpost shifting) officially recommended for the 50 cent party. I keep seeing this same letter (Ã) in their posts, which occurs on the pinyin keyboard, and they use very strange english phrases ("flogging the religion") which I have never heard native speakers use.

I would have to be naieve to assume that there are no Chinese shills here, and your attack on free speech in point 3 jives with the Chinese official stance that "some kinds of thought must not be tolerated".

Submission + - 50 Cent Party alive and well in 2014 1

LordLimecat writes: Examples of China's internal censorship are well known in the west, such as recent examples of them blocking google entirely. Whats less well known is the techniques they use for shaping opinion outside of their country: the 50 Cent Party, a semi-official brigade of paid internet commenters. Sizing some 250,000 members at best guess, these "internet communicators" (wangluò pínglùn yuán) locate comments that paint China in a critical light and attempt to apply a spin to them.

One wonders how many communicators we have here on Slashdot.

Comment Re:Hope it is blocked. (Score 1) 145

The skokie case was specifically about "hate speech". Nazi demonstrators wanted to demonstrate in a mostly Jewish town -- including speech. The Supreme court ruled that they could.

I also find it quite strange that I ask a question about whether missionaries deserve prison, and you respond with a question about treason. The question about missionaries stands, do you think missionaries deserve prison for simply discussing religion? Do students deserve death for simply asking for democracy?

We're not talking about government overthrow here, we're talking about the right to discuss what one believes.

It is very interesting also that your post contains many letters found on a pinyin keyboard, and posted AC. Where are you posting from, exactly?

Comment Re:Hope it is blocked. (Score 2) 145

If my house is on fire, I'm not about to lecture the guy next door about fireplace safety.

The context here is Gmail and China, and Chinese censorship at large. If you have specific gripes about the US government, this is probably the wrong topic for it. Getting mad at me because I am speaking on topic seems quite strange; you were better off going to a different article if you were not prepared to discuss the Chinese security context.

Just to go over your points quite quickly,
1) FISA courts have not as far as anyone knows allowed global MITM of SSL, nor (as far as anyone knows) does NSA even have the technological capacity to do so because they dont have the private keys of all US-based entities nor is anyone aware of a method to break 2048-bit RSA.

2) KKK may be "monitored", but they are allowed to speak, demonstrate, organize, and so forth as long as they commit no actual crimes (arson etc). This is not the case in China.

3) The burden of proof is on the accuser. It is reasonable to expect that the NSA is doing a lot of unauthorized spying based on recently disclosed evidence. It is NOT reasonable to automatically believe every crackpot theory about SSL MITM without proof. There is evidence of SSL MITM in very specific cases (ie, Lavabit). There is zero evidence for the kind of global SSL MITM that China enforces.

4) You are veering off into tangents and getting mad at me for doing so. If ranting makes you feel better, by all means continue, but Im not going to entertain it any further. Based on the number of 50 cent army in the thread (counted 3 so far), Im half convinced you're one of them.

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