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Comment Re:So what? (Score 2) 480

Dress codes are always praised by those that cannot offer anything else besides conformance. At the moment, many companies are getting rid of the creative thinkers (to their long-term detriment), and a dress-code is a good way to do that, as creative thinkers really hate spending time on complete side-issues like dress.

All it will do for HP is that the remaining (few) good engineers and scientists will take a hard look at their other prospects and some will leave. A tech company that does not place the techies first is dead in the long run.

Comment Re:um...yay? (Score 3, Interesting) 480

With regard to IBM, having met one of their highly-paid technical consulting teams, I know what their problem is: Incompetence coupled with arrogance and no social graces. They also failed to solve their task for 3 years, when something similar took me a year to get to run reliably. Them being IBM, they actually got paid more for failing repeatedly, so at the moment the incompetence still works out for them, but eventually the customers will not be willing to pay a fortune for trash.


Olympic Organizer Wants To Feed Athletes Fukushima Produce 149

New submitter Grady Martin writes: Toshiaki Endo, Japan's government-appointed parliament member in charge of planning for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, has expressed hopes of supplying the Olympic/Paralympic village with foods grown in Fukushima [Google's autotranslation], stating, 'Using foods from Fukushima in the village is another possibility. I wish to strengthen ties with ground zero in numerous ways.' Would you eat it?

An Interview With Hacking Team's CEO 80

Alastair Stevenson writes: I talked to the leader of the world's most hated surveillance company about its path to recovery and morals, following a massive attack on its systems. CEO David Vincenzetti, as you might expect, thinks that his company "deserves the protection of law and order," and disclaims (also as you'd expect) responsibility for what its clients do with the privacy-unraveling software it provides: Law enforcement must have a way to do what it has always done, that is to track criminals and prevent or prosecute crime. With the development of global terrorism and especially the ‘lone wolf’ terrorist, this requirement is even more important. Hacking Team has helped fight crime by providing a surveillance tool to law enforcement. The company believes this is a small step toward a more secure world for all who wish to used the Internet and digital tools lawfully.

Comment Re:Too Far Away (Score 1) 134

" Even if we point SETI-type radio telescopes at it and monitor it for signals, they will have spent 1400 years getting to us and there is no guarantee that whatever civilization was there is still there."
"Interesting discovery, but I can't muster up much excitement about this one."
Really? You are an idiot.
The discovery of life in another solar system would be a HUGE discovery. Finding a technologically advanced civilisation would change everything. There is no telling what we could find out if we could read the data from the signals over time. However just knowing that we are not the only life in the Universe would be huge.
Sorry sparky this is science not Star Wars.

Comment Re:Ah yes, let's talk about gender politics some m (Score 1) 557

If you claim anything on the Internet today with high enough visibility, you are going to get threats. There is a small sub-species of the human rage that cannot abide others getting attention. Hence these threats do not mean anything, except that she had visibility. Making these threats the core of the discussion is exceptionally unprofessional and misses the point of the discussion entirely. It is a tried-and-true strategy for styling oneself as a victim though, because these threats will always come.

Comment Re:Ah yes, let's talk about gender politics some m (Score 1) 557

Well said. I also completely agree that in order to be a good engineer/developer/scientist, you need to be that first (at least when you work) and anything else second. You cannot claim to be "good" or "experienced" in order to make that happen, you have to be these things. Nothing can substitute.

The problem Ms. Wu has is that she claims these things, but does not deliver on the claims. That produces an understandable counter-reaction. There is also a hate-reaction by some people that attack anything they do not like, but that does not cover the majority to the reaction to the claims Ms. Wu has made. It is a side issue. Of course she tries to focus on that, because she cannot actually deliver on her claims. This is merely classical misdirection.

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