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Comment Re:Is she really sure it was locked? (Score 5, Informative) 645

As much as I think "there, fixed it for you" comments are moronic this time I had to: "Depression is usually a treatable illness." I have an aunt who has been suffering with post-partum depression for more than 15 years. She's gone through treatment. She's tried dozens of medications. She goes through the highs and lows that I guess are not uncommon with depression, but the highs rarely last. Thus far, treatment hasn't been able to do anything.

Comment Re:yep... (Score 1) 778

I wouldn't be surprised if the phone manufacturers know that they can get away with using crappy crystal oscillators and just re-syncing the time regularly.

Well, yes, but they already get a packet from the tower every minute or so, which already has the time in it.

I suspect most of the inaccuracy in your phone is, in fact, inaccuracy in cell towers.

Comment Re:Well yes... (Score 1, Troll) 645

For example when I review the WHO's stats, I don't see negative numbers for the United States. I see that we Americans are ahead of the Europeans and the Russians and the Chinese. How? Simple. When I treat the European Union as a single united government under a single president (because that's what they are now that Lisbon Treaty has passed), I see this:

(1) San Marino
(2) Andorra
(3) Singapore
(4) Oman
(5) Japan
(6) Colombia
(7) Saudi Arabia
(8) USA
(9) Israel
(10) Morocco
(11) Canada
(12) Australia
(13) Chile
(14) Dominica
(15) Costa Rica
(16) United States
(17) Cuba (the have government healthcare; why aren't they higher?)
(18) Brunei
(20) New Zealand ...
(115) Russia ...

(129) China

Comment Re:A great reason to choose Firefox (Score 2) 202

It sounds like the root flaw actually lies in your own login implementation. I guarantee that IE is capable of handling sessions. If you have a website that makes you money, you should realize a couple points: First, most of your userbase runs IE. Having the site unusable in said browser is very bad. Second, special casing code for IE is a fact of life in the web development world, and you should just get used to it.

Comment Re:Falsibility. (Score 2, Interesting) 746

If you look at the temperature from outer sky you might measure the heat emission from earth to outer space. The higher the temperature, the higher the heat emission. If a greenhouse effect is effective, it reduces the heat emission and thus the temperature. In this scenario there would be a lower temperature in the upper atmospheric region as long as until a new equilibrium is reached, with higher temperatures at the surface of the earth.

Comment Re:Wash it (Score 1, Interesting) 1078

Here here.

Nothing worse than working on a smokers PC, the cigarete tar usually filters through any dust in the machine to make a fine layer of sludge (kinda like mud but a whole lot worse) on EVERYTHING.

Having said "nothing worse" yes I have repaired machines where mouse urine shorted the CPU socket, where a nest of white tail spiders (look them up, they have a fun bite) had taken up residence and even a computer that had been in a babies room and was full of talcum powder. And you know why? At the end of the day, you can wash the smell of all that off yourself, but cigarette tar takes about 3 days to fully get rid of the stink.

However, they really should put it in their warranty info, I know we have :)

Comment Re:In the right place (Score 1) 110

It's in the right place, but will it behave the right way?

When those mainboards with extra flash for vista were announced I hoped for it being accessible directly via linux mtd.
Without reading the article I still assume that it will again be just another hdd simulator that doesn't allow the os to do the wear levelling or map the storage directly into the accessible memory.

Too bad. Since Debians live-helper made building live systems easy I'm running my desktop and laptop from squashfs anyways so I'd love to see them do execute in place,too. http://elinux.org/Application_XIP

Comment Familiarity Breeds Contempt... (Score 1) 260

or at least mind-numbing forgetfulness.

Use of the Internet should generally be remembered to be nonsecure and suspect.

Lots of people will forget, because they are tired, pushed, harangued, or pissed off at their boss or coworkers.

Trying to instill constant vigilant attitudes will be REAL tough.

Maybe Browser pop-ups reminding employees of the latest intrusion or hazard of the day is not so bad as a reminder. (Please no bricks) If I was to design a popup, it would be a one liner with a link for more info. and the popup would disappear after 5 seconds on its own.

Comment Re:Everything works for me (Score 1) 554

the nvidia-glx package (which you'll find after asking your package management system for nvidia or geforce drivers) suggests nvidia-settings here. the default is to install suggests. and that creates a nice menu entry in the system -> configuration menu. Yes, it'd be easier if nvidia supported randr, but the distributors did a very nice job of making it pretty easy.

Comment Re:Nope, it's the putative new users problem (Score 2, Interesting) 1127

Weird. Every time I stick a piece of hardware in a Windows box it doesn't work. Then I install the drivers from the CD and it still doesn't work. Next I get the drivers from the vendors site and then it sometimes works. In the final step I figure out the chipset and get a driver from its creator and then it works most of the time.

With Linux all I do is check about the state of the hardware support before buying and most of the time it just works without doing any of the above.

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