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Comment What a complete waste of time and money (Score 2, Insightful) 203

This is just insane. Going to 50 miles, or 62 miles, or even 200 miles straight up is utterly pointless. It does not advance us at all. It's a gimmick for people with too much money and not enough brain cells. Yes, it might be 'space' (for a few minutes) -- but so what?! This is really old tech. The USA did this in the 50s.

Getting to orbit is a lot harder, yes; but that's an actual achievement, instead of a publicity stunt. You can actually do useful stuff once you're in orbit. You can't do that from a jumped-up fairground ride.

I expect this whole fiasco will quietly fade from the public eye, once the backers realize that they've invested heavily in a pig in a poke. If they are smart, they won't plough (plow, for Americans) any more cash into this travesty.

Comment Asustek Extreme4 (Score 1) 77

On a related topic, I had an issue with my motherboard, which hasn't been resolved. It's an Asrock Z87 Extreme4. Running Windows 7 - I notice that the first hyperthread of my i7 4770k is pegged at 50%. Lots of digging, it looks like it might be a faulty design, putting the intel management engine and the USB subsystem on the same interrupt. What do you lot think?

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