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Comment Re:No, This Is Important for People to See (Score 1) 256

No, he was clearly saying any person who downloaded the app based on her cancer story is a nutjob. He is saying that for any non-nutjob finding for sure she was lying is like finding out for sure that water is wet.

I don't agree with the OP, as I think people can be naive without being a nutjob.

I was probably being a bit harsh calling them all nutjobs, but yes, there was more to my sentence beyond the "everyone" part that eldavjohn didn't seem to read past.

Comment Re:No, This Is Important for People to See (Score 1) 256

So you're saying everyone knew she was lying about her charity donations as well [theage.com.au]? Or was it only the charities that knew that? From the article:

Everyone? No. But anyone who wasn't some doe-eyed true believer? Yes and Yes.

So you're saying the 300,000 downloads are by people that knew they were downloading the app architected by a liar? And they were paying $3.79 to Apple and this liar for a recipe app that contain recipes that someone lied about helping her cure cancer?

Of course not. They are those psuedo-science nutjobs that I referred to. The same idiots who by crap from Kevin Trudeau, etc. Did you even bother to read everything I wrote or did you just read up to the "everyone" part of the sentence and then start foaming at the mouth?


Facebook Working To Weed Out Fake Likes 74

jfruh writes In the early days of brands on Facebook, it was crucial for companies to garner as many "likes" as possible to boost their image, and that led to some unethical businesses selling likes that came from fake accounts. Now Facebook is informing brands that they're working to root out fake likes, leaving like counts lower but realer. Now if only I could get my relatives to stop clicking on pictures that say they like puppies and are against cancer.

Comment Re:I want to try it (Score 1) 229

What do you mean shifting?

You first claimed all the Hurds problems were lack of developers yet I can name dozens of toy OSes with USB support that predate Hurd's support by years if not almost a decade. Then you just claimed it was all due to their design, yet MINIX3 has pretty much the same design has supported USB for most of its life.

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