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Comment Re:Insurance rates (Score 1) 239

Why would finance companies and state governments not still require you to carry insurance? No finance company is going to give you a car loan and not require you to insure it. Your post is hilariously naïve.

Oh and the insurance companies are hugely greater in size than car dealerships. Car dealers are chumps in comparison.

Comment Re:Insurance rates (Score 1) 239

Accidents and injuries have been decreasing for more than a decade. And yet you're still required to have insurance both by financing companies and state governments.

There is absolutely zero reason to believe that finance companies and state governments will not still require insurance even when cars are automated.

Submission + - Solar plant scorches birds in mid air (foxnews.com) 4

Obscene_CNN writes: The new solar energy plant that is owned by Google and two energy companies is killing birds in mid air. The plant which works by concentrating the suns rays is killing and igniting the birds as they fall out of the sky. BrightSource Energy, NRG Solar, and Google say they are studying methods of reducing the bird deaths.

Comment Re:Pretty obvious (Score 1) 115

Since when did being a politician or running a corporation ever have a prerequisite of having a moral fiber? Political corruption goes as far back as the first governments. Same with corrupt corporations.

Even the "classical" Western democracies and republics had rampant corruption. It's more "ironic" that you think having a moral fiber was ever regular.

Comment Re:When every feature undocumented (Score 1) 199

If you stopped standing near the line trying to shoulder surf their PINs you wouldn't see so many.

Hurr hurr.

That's poor design of the hardware, not the software. When you have to figure out where the magstripe is on the card and then where the reader is so you get the right orientation, you're bound to get it wrong.

I was referring to both hardware and software in my comment. I've seen on numerous occasions a checkers having to help the person not only to swipe but which options to push in order to finish all the payment steps. And, yes, it is poor design. That was my entire point. The person I responded to said these were "intuitive" yet I've seen numerous people (not even just elderly people) struggle to use them.

The ATMs I use that have a simple slot to push the card into, I never get wrong. Card comes out of wallet with me holding the end that goes into the machine last. Very simple.

That's great for you. Plenty of people still have problems with them.

Comment Re:When every feature undocumented (Score 3, Interesting) 199

That's interesting because I see people on a daily basis fumbling with the debit/credit machines at checkouts. Even with basic things like swiping their cards. A big pain point is also becaue each one for each store chain has to be different in unnecessary and inconvenient ways.

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