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Comment Re:victory for pseudoscience and circular logic (Score 1) 545

I am merely pointing out they have no scientific evidence to justify that strong claim.

No evidence? That is itself a pretty strong claim.

Here's some really quick ones:

Effective: http://www.vaccines.gov/basics...
Safe: http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/01/...

These are just two of them. These results are so well-known (especially with people who lived when measles was rampant) that citations are generally regarded as unnecessary to provide -- anybody can look up the source on their own. You can maybe find a vaccine (particularly one not yet FDA-approved) that isn't safe and effective because it's a broad category -- it's like asking whether "liquids are safe and effective at quenching thirst", and the answer is yes, but don't drink mercury or poison or anything that isn't safe and effective.

Comment Re:Quantum entanglement is just a scam (Score 1) 86

There seems to be confusion as to what Quantum Mechanics is.

Quantum Mechanics is accurate enough that it is necessary to modern semiconductor design. There is no other model humankind has invented that works. Therefore it is a good answer to the GGGP's question, "So why is this nonsense still science?".

Your misgivings about entanglement are not actually relevant to whether Quantum Mechanics is a real thing. Consider: Classical mechanics makes predictions about how GPS satellites should work that are empirically incorrect, which is why General Relativity is involved in GPS systems. Thus, even though Classical Mechanics makes a prediction that we are uncomfortable with, it's still not nonsense.

The retort "Make QM based computing work. Ever." is also irrelevant. Doesn't matter whether QM based computing is practical. The existence of entanglement doesn't mean that quantum computers are a good idea, any more than the explanation for how sunlight reaches the Earth means that classical computers are real. They happen to be real, and they both operate on electromagnetism, but there is a huge disconnect between those two things.

As for entanglement itself, it's a confusing subject but the GGGP didn't do a great job refuting it.

Comment Re:What's a "software program" (Score 1) 200

Because "two forensic softwares" is ungrammatical.

It's like asking why somebody said they had two works of art when "works of art" could be replaced with just "art" without confusion. You can't just say you have "two arts". You could say you have "some art" but now you've lost information from the sentence.

Program is countable, but software is linguistically uncountable.

Comment Re:that's fine (Score 1) 408

Can a good driver dodge accidents from the passenger's seat? Because 2 of those accidents were in self-driving cars with the self-driving turned off.

Without details on the accidents, we aren't in a good position to judge whether a good driver could have dodged this accident. The one detail we have is that the car was moving 10mph at the time. Not sure what to make of it -- was it read-ended, was it a parking lot accident, was it a bad lane change? Because being read ended is pretty cut-and-dried somebody else's fault (unless you *just* completed a lane change or something like that), but a parking lot accident could be very concerning.

Not that I disagree that the technology should be proven!

Comment Re:nature will breed it out (Score 1) 950

Seriously? All women are great forever and it is always the men who suck/are scary/are evil/are messed up?

What the fuck. Seriously, the guy you're responding to had more weasel words than genus Mustelidae. How can you possibly read that and then act like he said all women are great forever and all men suck?

So I would, from personal experience, contest your claim that all men are evil shitbags ruling over society and that all women are wonderful little angels sent from above.

This is beyond a strawman. It's a whole straw village. And frankly, such an obviously warped of interpretation makes me struggle to give you the benefit of the doubt for the rest of your story, but I'm going to try not to dismiss it out of hand because I know that attitude is a problem for both men and women -- especially men. So: I agree that you shouldn't have been raped or falsely accused of being a rapist, that's shitty.

This said...


That term means something different from how you're using it. You're using it to mean "feminist" really, but not using the word feminist because you want to exclude radical feminists and academic feminists. I have little patience for semantic political correctness arguments like this. You can't use "humanist" is a politically correct way of saying "feminist". It's taken.

Comment Re:nature will breed it out (Score 1) 950

Now please re-read the above and:
Substitute "sport" for a type of job (and "men" for "women" if you wish) - we are back in present day society where people scream discrimination because numbers aren't 50/50.

The assumption here is that 100% of the cause for every notable gender imbalance today is due to inherent differences. I think that's pretty naive. Can you name the year when equality happened? Because what I observe is consistent change from 200 years ago, which basically agrees was non-equal. On what basis do we say that today, or 10 years ago, or whatever was the time when we hit equality?

Frequently on slashdot even the suggestion that we formally study the reasons instantly triggers huge comment threads about inherent differences, bringing up red herrings like conscription or circumcision -- things that are generally agreed to be unfairly anti-male as if it disproved that there was anything unfairly anti-female. If you can flip it around and have somebody say they won't support ending conscription for men only until there is pay equity for women, it makes exactly as much sense.

When you see a persistent difference, there's two possibilities. There's an inherent difference, or there's a cultural difference (or some combination). The instantaneous assumption that all observed differences are inherent is extremely convenient. Even if true, it's worthy of testing.

So yes, a true meritocracy will end up with differences due to various natural factors*. But we haven't seen a true meritocracy so we don't know what it would actually look like.

*Actually, there's reason to fear that a true meritocracy is an unstable system, almost inevitably devolving into a less globally efficient one due to the local efficiencies of stereotyping. After all, it's not like you can rationally say that our 6 million year ago ape ancestors had an unnatural society. But there's clearly been weird cultural biases in many times and places. Any unreasonable cultural biases came about sometime.

Comment Re:Plot Hole (Score 1) 179

The problem is that the supposed plot hole is pretty much just as nerdy. The story happened how it happened. Why didn't it happen differently? Because that's not how it was written.

If you're not satisfied with that answer -- and don't get me wrong; I think it's reasonable to want the plot fo hold up to light scrutiny -- then I don't need to be satisfied that your objection is a checkmate if I can think of a perfectly plausible rationale.

I don't know whether or not Tolkien thought the Eagles through before and it doesn't matter because it makes sense anyway. Contrast the Kessel run where, if it *were* on purpose, it was delivered in a deliberately obtuse manner.

One day people will read the history of World War II and say "That's stupid, they had airplanes. Why didn't they just fly over to Berlin and kill him?" You don't generally have to explain that flying deep into enemy territory on a focussed mission to a known well-defended location isn't easy.

Comment Re:give it up (Score 1) 84

I think you'll find that "intent to deprive" is not part of all people's intuitive definitions of theft, even if it is involved in many legal statutes. I know it took me a while to be convinced that there were people for whom the intuitive definition did require intent to deprive.

"He stole my idea!" is a common phrase, for instance, and widely understood. That's usually stated by the person who is *not* the entrenched business.

I think this semantic argument about "stealing" and "theft" is a weird bleed-through from the pushback against the highly publicised and absurd RIAA lawsuits against filesharers. I bet if this basic incident had happened 20 years ago there'd be no significant objection to calling it stealing.

Comment Re:The Power of Standards (Score 1) 81

It does not waste 3 years of time. People do not wait for the very second that an Operating System finishes downloading. It might not actually save even 1 second of human time.

By the same token, it probably doesn't waste 10 million dollars worth of disk space because much of the disk space would have just gone idle, but let's imagine it does. Does it save 10 million dollars somewhere else globally? This is a stable and consistent platform that 3D printing applications can build off of.

Furthermore, it's not entirely clear that this component is auto-installed, instead of just being enabled on demand, much like "Turn Windows Features on or off" can be used to install hyper-v or FTP servers.

We'd have personal teleporters if people could understand the difference between premature optimization and a tradeoff.

I don't know what this does so I don't know whether it's worth it, but I do know the "it's available for Internet download" is a bad argument against a feature that takes, at most, less than a tenth of a percent of the download.

Comment Re:The correct decision (Score 1) 355

No, he didn't. Nobody on this thread said he should boot the incompetent ones. One person (who was not an AC so is likely not the one you are talking to) said he should fail the incompetent ones.

If you're going to call people an imbecile, you should understand that there's a difference between booting a person and failing them.

Comment Re:The correct decision (Score 1) 355

No, it didn't. The University made a call about teaching a class -- you teach everybody, not just your favourites. The professor made a call about grading a class.

Basically, the professor quit, but tried to stick everybody with a failing grade in doing so. The University can't un-quit the professor, but they don't have to accept the grades that come from the ragequit.

Comment Re:It's finally time (Score 1) 314

I don't see how you can site an article that says "only 2.67% of households make more than $200k" in an argument where you imply that 200k is the 90th percentile (true, that's technically "less than like $200k", but 200k is a misleading benchmark).

Your very citation shows the 10th percentile of household income being $118200.

I'm pretty sure the person you were responding to was wrong, and that the 90th percentile mark is considerably higher, but you're equally wrong in the other direction I think. This chart seems to support the idea that the individual income 90th percentil is in the mid-80s: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bmIb...

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