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Comment Re:Made by humans for humans. (Score 3, Insightful) 67

Why are the tools being run remotely, as opposed to, for instance, being all nicely packaged into an image I can download and boot from locally. I understand the benefits of keeping statistics as code improves, etc. but it seems that a "paranoid developer" mode would fit nicely with the mission of improving code security. Esp. since those developers tend to do a lot more NIH of basic parts.

Additionally, and more relevantly, some of my work is done on a laptop as I move around, and being able to do some Q/A work when away from the Internet would be useful.

Comment Re:Get used to this... (Score 1) 250

Neither of those are fact.

You mean, I did not bother to provide evidence for either one of those in this case. But you didn't provide contrarian evidence either. What I said was, this case has a correct answer. Unlike your example of education, internet service has objective measures of success - uptime, bandwidth, latency, peering. All the upstream connections were provided by members of the duopoly, so those features are identical. But the last mile would have been cheaper, according to all the research provided..

Of course, you're a savvy voter who makes good choices. You would never be convinced to vote against your own interests. You would not dismiss out of hand government services, when the private sector could supply those same services and turn a profit. No, not you.

As for anti-union ranting, it's true that unions impose higher costs. But that doesn't really impact anything. If I'm paying less money, why do I care that the money I do pay goes to a random union employee instead of a shareholder. Hell, I'd rather the money went to an employee.

That's a government-run utility. Nobody cared because they didn't have to. I can't vote them out, they can't get fired, and I can't get service from anyone else.

As opposed to private utilities like Comcast that care? And why can't you vote them out? At least you have some choice there. I pity the person at the mercy of monopolistic private utilites.

everyone is assuming that the voters were coerced

Everyone is assumng teh voters were tricked. Because there is a right answer. And they did not arrive at it.

Here's a point I haven't seen anyone raise. When your ISP is managed by the same government that manages the police department, where do you think your right to privacy winds up? In the hands of someone who likely belongs to the same union that the police clerical staff belong to, and are probably on the same bowling team. And their paychecks come from the same mayor's office.

Wow, that is stupid. First, they would be in different unions. Second, there is no way that evidence gained like that could be used in trial. The consequences of misusing that data are so great it would never happen.

Comment Re:Not Odd (Score 1) 544

Bluetooth keyboards have a lot of issues... Security is of course worse, possibly extremely bad if the implementation on the keyboard is flawed. EM interference means that it is less reliable (I find myself rebooting the keyboard fairly frequently.) But most important, when set to achieve low-latency, bluetooth gets pretty power-hungry.

Now, I wonder if any phone lets the USB port run in host mode? Anyone know which phones let you do that?

Comment Re:Get used to this... (Score 3, Funny) 250

It's pretty insulting to the democratic process to accuse the winners of being "[expletive deleted] sheeple" when you don't agree with a result.

Why wouldn't I insult the democratic process? The only inherent value to it is that it tends to screw up slightly less, slightly slower, and slightly less impactfully other forms of government. It screws up plenty often. This is one such case.

For instance, democracies suck when voting on a question of fact. If something is better and cheaper when supplied by the government, why shouldn't the government supply it?

Comment Re:And this friends, is why buying a voice is wron (Score 1) 250

at the same time if you are cashing in more than you are contributing, so sorry, you don't get to vote yourself largesse either directly or indirectly.

How long do the bailouts for Wall St. prevent finance-employeed individuals from voting? How far down the corporate chain do you go before oil-company employees can vote? What about all the guys who only pay they lose the vote... after all they benefit from subsidies on investing?

Comment Re:Real life is complicated (Score 1) 511

Yeah, I'm going to ignore your anti-military trolling. Let's just leave it as we think each other are wrong. On the offchance you were not trolling, and were confused:

Look, you may not like people in the military (no clue why), but to say they deserve what they get is naive and stupid. Historically and currently, joining the military has been one of the most sure ways for intelligent, motivated people born into poor circumstances to raise themselves up the ladder of success.

Given the relative abundance of rich entrepreneurs vs rich veterans, I think a citation may be needed there.

That's a shitty comparison. Most entrepreneurs start off fairly wealthy, and only get moreso. Besides, I specifically called out people born into poor circumstances. So, I'd like a citation on poor people who use entrepreneurship to get rich; America has terrible class mobility.

Colin Powell was born in Harlem to two immigrants. Bill Gates was born to a partner in a white-shoe law firm and a board member of the United Way, IBM and others. Bill Gates got further; Colin Powell came farther.

Comment Re:Real life is complicated (Score 1) 511

According to your philosophy, why would you feel sorry for factory workers, construction workers, or truck drivers? Shouldn't they have researched the rates of workman's comp claims, compared it to all their alternatives, decided what the risk level was likely to be and ensured that they were paid a risk premium as compensation based on their self-assessed danger quotient?

Look, you may not like people in the military (no clue why), but to say they deserve what they get is naive and stupid. Historically and currently, joining the military has been one of the most sure ways for intelligent, motivated people born into poor circumstances to raise themselves up the ladder of success.

Comment Re:Taking responsibility? Ha! (Score 1) 511

Why did they "have" to start taking drugs in the first place? If you take drugs and get addicted, that's your responsibility. Not anyone else's.

Well, some of them were under 18 at the time. As a society, we've decided you cannot really be held responsible for many of your actions when under 18. So it certainly is difficult to condemn teenagers to a lifetime of addiction because you were too cheap and on too high a moral horse to help them out.

But beyond that, in many cases, such as with student loans, we hold that society has not just a right to protect you from others, but to help enable you to improve yourself. Certainly, that seems cheaper to society than trying to punish people in prison for something they may wish they could give up.

Lastly, while you may wish that everyone was solely responsible for their actions, and their actions solely affected them, neither is ever the case. It's a good bumper sticker philosophy, but it falls apart once you start asking questions.

Comment Re:Real life is complicated (Score 1) 511

If you take drugs and get addicted, that's your responsibility. Not anyone else's.

Think so? I can introduce you to some former surgery patients and war veterans among others who were introduced to opiates to control pain by their physicians for very real pain problems and as a result were unable to avoid addiction

The ADA claims there are zero cases of that.

They do so by separating dependency with addiction, by specifying that addiction requires a pleasureable aspect. So. You can be dependent on insulin, but probably not addicted. Morphine could be either depending on your situation.

How much of that is linguistic bullshittery to avoid feeling bad for hooking people on pills, I do not know.

Comment Re:The only good thing (Score 1) 511

now that rich white people have drug problems (ie, "real" people), maybe we can muster up some sympathy for other addicted people now?

Sure we can. We can feel sympathy for all those who were addicted due to a doctor's incompetence in prescribing drugs (it's not their fault!) Or for those valiantly sacrificing their health to pay for the 47% moochers' share.

</I wish I was joking >

The fact is, cocaine and pain-killers have always been an upper-class drug; and the penalties and stigmas surrounding both reflect that.

The one surprising thing was the accusation of meth use; but I feel like that's likely purposeful conflation with other amphetamines by someone with a vested interest in exaggerating the problem.

Comment Re:~50% have no degree... (Score 1) 174

I'm at year 13, and I've learned those lessons you said earning your degree taught you.... but I (lucky for me) didn't need college to teach me humility and how to be receptive to learning

Yeah, I'm gonna say no. Humility, recognizing the depths of your ignorance, being open to new ideas, dealing with new people, being exposed to other things, etc. are all a continuum, not binary.

That said, you may be advanced for your age. But you seem to think that means you crossed the finish line early. What it means is, if you don't squander it, you can go much farther.

I wish you luck.

Comment Re:Tool problems (Score 1) 372

Different tool chains are not used, because it is a client-server architecture, but because regularly one develops for different platforms using different technologies.

That's the idea I don't get. Why oh why do different platforms try to/actually encourage and enforce this? Cross-platform code is good. I suppose it behooves the dominant player (I suppose iOS) to not be compatible with, say, Windows Phone. But doesn't that mean Windows Phone should be made to be compatible with iOS?

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