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Comment Re:You are making things WAY TOO COMPLEX (Score 1) 182

I've printed the shipping label the night before countless times.

Printing date and shipping date are not necessarily the same thing. If you've printed a shipping label "the night before," after business hours in the ship-from zip code, the default shipping date was likely set to the next day. Packages can be (and in some cases are) returned when shipped after the shipping date; it's your chance to take.

Comment Re:You are making things WAY TOO COMPLEX (Score 2) 182

You seem to veer off the rails all over the place, but the main thing that mystified me is - why would a label NOT WORK the next day (a "confusion" you list more than once)? It's insane to think it would not.

From the USPS Report on PRC Rate and Service Inquiries for December 2011:

You must mail your item on the date that you selected for your Click-N-Ship label; this is known as the Ship Date. An electronic record is generated on that date indicating that your mailpiece has been mailed. Packages shipped with labels that have incorrect Ship Dates may be returned to the sender and will not be eligible for a refund. If you are unable to use the label, you should request a refund within ten (10) days of the printing date and create another label with the correct Ship Date.

That said, local postal offices apparently offer varying amounts of flexibility; but the policy is that you must ship on the Ship Date or cancel within ten days to get a refund. See also here.


Four Facepalm Bugs In USPS Label-Printing Site 182

"The United States Postal Service "Click-N-Ship" site suffered no outages or slowdowns during Christmas rush," writes Bennett Haselton. "It just has bugs that make the process more annoying than just standing in line at the post office, which defeats the purpose. The most frustrating part is that most of these bugs could have been fixed, just by having some testers run through the ordering process and make a note of anything that seems confusing or wrong. (Although I've included notes on how to work around all the bugs, so you really can print your own labels and skip the line.)" Read on for the rest; what other gripes do you have about the current package delivery regime, and how would you resolve them?

Submission + - John Yoo Thinks That Supreme Court Justices Are Superannuated (intelligencesquaredus.org)

ZipK writes: In an Intelligence Squared debate this past October, John Yoo, best known for his authorship of the "Torture Memos," weighs in on the legality of the mass collection of U.S. phone records, and provides his view on the workings of the Constitution:

"But suppose you disagree with the Supreme Court, what should you do? Maybe I, as a policy matter, would draw the line between security and privacy somewhere else. We should decide it the way we decide most of the questions in our society: we have elections. This is not a question, as a democracy, that I think we should leave up to five — no offense to the retired people in the audience — superannuated, elderly people on the Supreme Court probably don't know how a cell phone or smart phone really works I'm sure have no Facebook or Twitter accounts to let you know about their latest opinions. And so if you really want to change the law here, and change what the government does, elect different people to Congress. Elect Rand Paul to President, have them put into affect the policies you want. That's how our constitution is designed to work."

Apparently Mr. Yoo does not believe the Supreme Court should be asked to review appellate decisions, and that the justices themselves are too old to understand a case that involves technology. For the record, Justice Breyer is on both Facebook and Twitter, though, as you'd expect of a U.S. Supreme Court justice, he doesn't use social media to communicate publicly about his cases.

Comment Re:Seriously? GOOD NEWS? (Score 1) 255

if internet access is under government control on government poles

How are you getting internet access today without it flowing through trenches dug in government controlled streets, on wires strung along government controlled poles or through frequencies cast on government controlled radio spectrum?

Comment Re:Someone please aware me: (Score 1) 303

If you are walking and talking down the sidewalk in town other people are able to hear your side of the conversation.

So if I'm talking quietly, cupping my hand over the mouthpiece and/or making sure that I'm not close enough to others to bother them with my conversation, the stingray will magically leave me alone?


Why Didn't Sidecar's Flex Pricing Work? 190

Bennett Haselton writes Sidecar is a little-known alternative to Lyft and Uber, deployed in only ten cities so far, which lets drivers set their own prices to undercut other ride-sharing services. Given that most amateur drivers would be willing to give someone a ride for far less than the rider would be willing to pay, why didn't the flex-pricing option take off? Keep reading to see what Bennet has to say.

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