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Comment Shy Tories (Score 1) 292

It was actually the phenomenon of 'Shy Tories(1)'; people who told pollsters they were definitely voting Labour, but in the booth, they didn't. As to what they were thinking, maybe a better shot at personal gain under the Tories, and the rest of the country can sod right off? Or a protest vote against Milliband personally for being an abject failure at retail politics (along with that adenoidal voice)? Hell, maybe it was just the vague thrill of screwing up the predictions, knowing your own vote really would never change your life in any meaningful way.

(1) AKA, Quiet Bat People

Comment Just don't get it (Score 1) 368

The problem is, the music isn't the artist's property. The labels claim all the rights. The artists theoretical royalties invariably end up being a shit sandwich, without much bread. The labels signed the deal with Apple, because they know that the artists have signed away all their rights already.

I just don't get why there are still these middle men (always men) in this time where an artist can literally directly connect with their fans (more pointedly: patrons). Is it just about the bandwidth?

Comment Missing the point (Score 1) 112

I doubt Apple wants to buy something that sends money to Microsoft, and they certainly won't back Google. And Apple doesn't have the expertise to build an effective search engine on their own.

Apple would contend that nothing outside of the beautiful walled garden of is worth searching for in the first place.

Comment Friday Serif (Score 1) 609

When the 2nd amendment was drafted the hunting rifle in the hands of the average citizen was not especially inferior to that of the one in the hands of the local serif or for that matter the regular army soldier. Moreover the local serif and the soldier were no more able to defend themselves against said rifle than your average citizen was.

Something funny Sans Serif.

It's Friday, and I can't be asked to fill in the blanks for you.

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