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Comment Divide and Conquer (Score 2) 247

I've seen inklings of a smear campaign against this movement already, trying to exploit the same stupid red meat issues (abortion, gun control, taxes) to alienate potential supporters that would otherwise emphatically agree that corporations are not people and should no longer control our government.

I do wish them luck. They're gonna need it.

Comment Drone crew (Score 1) 34

If you look closely before takeoff, there are two guys literally holding the wings up at each end to balance it. They have to run with the plane for the first few seconds until it gets enough lift to balance on its own. The landing video shows both bicyclists and men racing to meet up with the wings to hold them up once the plane stops.

This delicate and accurate work cries out for a couple of drones, not dudes, huffing and akimbo.

Comment Flash (Score 1) 107

I still have a conventional disk in my desktop rig. I also frequently end up with a web page with Flash that nearly brings the entire comp to it's knees, due to near-constant disk activity. It's bad enough my electro-mechanical drive is being worn down by garbage software; not sure I could live with an SSD being literally consumed by the same indefensible cause.

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