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Comment Odds (Score 0) 580

Being shot by the homeowner is the single biggest fear among would-be intruders, ranking higher than being caught by police.

But the most likely outcome of John Q Programmer playing out his 'Home Alone with a Gun' scenario is accidentally killing another family member that returns home unexpectedly.

This will be down-rated into oblivion by thin-skinned, heavily-armed nerds defending their Dirty Harry / Rambo RPG fantasies.

Want to actually murder someone and get away with it? If you're a White American male, become a cop and kill as many minorities as you wish, with the only 'punishment' being a paid vacation during the whitewash 'investigation'.

What a country.

Comment Bin Laden Playbook (Score 1) 218

That shit is all on you, and has been publicly supported by your own politicians and much of your citizenry. If anything, America has been putting on a clinic of how to erode and undermine civil rights, and then exporting that everywhere else.

America ignored her own Constitution on her own terms.

This is what I refer to as the Bin Laden Playbook: he gave it to us on 9/11, and our political parties and their cronies (and future employers) in the Surveillance Industrial Complex have been profitably running them ever since that day. Pavlov's Dopes, indeed.

Comment Wow (Score 2) 74

Youth is not a real asset here. He is going to destroy systems with years of business logic in them and try to replace all that work in a short period of time. Good luck with that.

Just another half bright kid who doesn't know what he has just proposed.

Yikes. Proof that Ageism goes both ways.

Comment The final nail (Score 1) 267

I think the final nail in the anti-system movement [a proud member] was Torvalds' non-chalant, I-can't-be-bothered-with-such-trivialities response when asked about this virus. I can't be the only one that was stunned by his attitude, assuring the rapid takeover of Linux by the Red Hat / NSA consortium.

They will be coming for your kernel one day, Linus, but there will be no one left to speak up.

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