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Comment Seeds of the Revolution (Score 1) 285

When even the menial, back-breaking labor jobs disappear, what are the masses of humanity (on both sides of every border) supposed to do? If the One-Percenters don't change soon, they won't be able to find high enough gates for their communities nor enough mercenaries to keep them alive against the human tidal wave of the underclass shouting "I'm hungry NOW!!".

Comment Re:Write your Congresscritters (Score 1) 209

Time to write your representatives and tell them you oppose this bill. Seriously. Go to their web sites and write them. The only way you can attempt to derail this thing is to be proactive and tell the people elected to represent your interests what your interests ARE.

You've leapt to the conclusion my 'representatives' are not miserable, lizard-brained fascists, endlessly voted for by the staggeringly stupid mouth breathers in this intellectually-forsaken blood-red rectangle of a state.

Comment Norway (Score 2) 105

I once asked a man visiting us at work from Norway what voting system they used. "Paper and pen and then we count them.", he said with a facial expression as if I'd asked him how he normally cooked his offspring for consumption.

You only need voting machines for one thing: FRAUD. Fuck the corporate-owned networks wanting a winner two minutes after the polls close; if it takes a few days to count manually marked paper ballots openly, fully, and properly, SO BE IT.

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