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Comment Truer words never spoken (Score 2) 1089

"The people who tend not to vote are young, they're lower income, they're skewed more heavily towards immigrant groups and minority groups. There's a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls."

This is the one downside to health care advances: the geriatric gentry like DICK Cheney will hang around far too long, doing out-sized damage to every facet of our existence.

Comment Overhead bathroom fixture with heating element (Score 1) 328

I have an overhead bathroom fixture that is a combination light / exhaust / heater. I'd love to replace the tungsten with an LED, but I'm concerned if an LED can hold up to a hot environment such as this without failing or - worst case scenario - catching fire due to overheating.

Comment Seat belt switch (Score 2) 204

This reminds me of the systems they tried to impose in the early 70s' US cars: if the seat belts weren't latched, the cars would not start. No, not just an annoying bong for a brief time; the freaking engine would not even turn over. And this being completely analog, system failures happened quite a bit. But fear not! If there was a failure, there was an under hood button you could push to bypass the system. Once. A one-time use, then you had to tow the car to a dealership for a new box. As most everyone by-passed this insanity, the system was quickly dropped.

Here's hoping Intel also comes to their senses about their one-time recovery window (hopefully with some well-deserved threats from the FTC).

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