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Comment Apple Cars (Score 1) 126

We'll obviously learn details soon enough, but for now, we are left to wonder whether it'll be Apple or Google that ends up owning the automotive market.

Oh, yes; I'm sure Apple will cover the entire market, all the way from your average Bugatti down to economy cars like Audi and even BMW!

Comment Kochs (Score 1) 465

Given that the Koch brothers are bankrolling the entire Tea Party 'phenomenon', the IRS was more than justified to investigate their tissue of lies claiming to be a non-profit citizen-led organization.

And indirectly (because campaign money is now free speech), those calling for this witch hunt are also funded by the Koch brothers.

Comment EnergyStar Ratings (Score 1) 394

If a consumer communications provider requires their equipment be used, that equipment should meet increasingly stringent energy consumption requirements. What's good for the water heater and refrigerator is good for the DVR / cable box (AND the cable phone modem, which runs much hotter than the combo cable / router / wireless modem!).

Comment Divide and Conquer (Score 2) 247

I've seen inklings of a smear campaign against this movement already, trying to exploit the same stupid red meat issues (abortion, gun control, taxes) to alienate potential supporters that would otherwise emphatically agree that corporations are not people and should no longer control our government.

I do wish them luck. They're gonna need it.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
