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Journal Journal: Three Irons Burning: Progress Report 2

When I was in college, I often took workshops in the summer. Two weeks of eight hour days equaled a normal class for a quarter. It would allow me a couple months vacation.

One was a blacksmithing workshop, where I learned to fashion stuff out of steel, learned a little metallurgy, and learned where a lot of the "old sayings" came from: blacksmithing. One is "too many irons in the fire", which is where this journal's title comes from. I'm working on three books right now.

Comment Re:Excellent! (Score 1) 556

we live in a society with "rules and social niceties".

Some people might be aspiea or sociopaths or psychopaths or just be self-absorbed selfish jerks. They might feel those rules are wrong or don't apply to them

But they still do, and people will expect them to follow them.

You can make jokes.... but that doesn't mean there won't be social consequences. You tell racist jokes, you might find people not wanting to hang around with you. You tell a rape joke and people who have been raped or who know those who have. (I know people who have been raped)....will show their displeasure.

Simply put, control your jerkass behavior.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 1) 556

However, if one day I fire up Civilization or Diablo and find that I'm required to attend some form of "sexual harassment" training before I'm allowed to play a round or two, and IF (big if) I learn that it's only because of my assigned gender at birth and those who have the legal status of female aren't required to take sexual harassment training,

Come on, you know that's not going to happen.

Another trigger would be if I log on to Star Citizen (assuming they ever release the female avatar they promised) and I find that I am unable to select a female avatar and I am forced to use a male avatar because of my assigned gender at birth.

That's not going to happen either.

But who cares... look at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, the attacks on TFYC, the continued transphobia of feminism.

The 70's rad/separatist feminists, are not all feminists. There's plenty of trans friendly feminists, I know, I'm transgendered myself.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 1) 556

And yes, I'm one of those people who, when they say "Leave me the fuck alone or I'll blow your head off." MEANS "Leave me the fuck alone or I'll blow your head off."

And when you blow someones head off for "not leaving you alone", you get sent to prison for 1st degree murder. Because shooting someone you disagree with who is not physically threating you with bodily harm is a crime.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 1) 556

THIRTEEN gaming sites issued THE EXACT SAME STORY about how they didn't need gamers and that gamers were "dead".

Define "gamers".

I read some of those articles (which weren't exactly the same) and some of what they were basically saying was:

Those young male gamers that think of themselves as the "real gamers", are actually only a small part of gaming as a whole. They think they own the term, but they're wrong.

That's what they were saying.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 1) 556

Aside: what the hell is up with that?

There's this subcommunity of " 15 - 25 year old male gamers" that gets their game info from youtubers. Gamergate "personalities" tend to be the sort of guys who do those let's plays and youtube game reviews who go by "nicks" not their real names. So it's "totalbiscuit" says this, or "poopoodie" says that.

Comment Re:Media blackout (Score 2) 556

The issue I had if you must know is that 95% of the criticism leveled at Sarkesian-- such as her generally unprofessional (ie intimate) relationships with reviewers of her games, her apparent pathological lying, and the fact that she makes unremarkable games

People like you complaining about "political correctness" and "feminists playing the victims" are idiots, you know why? They get their women confused and can't even spell their names correctly:

It's "Anita Sarkeesian", she doesn't make games. She does videos about tropes in gaming.

The person gamergaters complain about that did make a game was: Zoe Quinn.

Their names are nothing alike.

Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

Your experience was much different than mine. I was in college when Carter was President, and he stopped food stamp benefits for poor college kids. I often went hungry. I'd voted for him, voted against his reelection.

Under Reagan I worked for Disney. Reagan slashed the capital gains tax, which unleashed an orgy of hostile corporate takeovers, one of which was unleashed on my employer, who took a big financial hit from its defense and cut everyone's hours. I had trouble paying my bills for a while. There were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of these hostile takeovers and takeover attempts. Of course, a recession followed this but none of the pundits connected the dots and they treated Reagan like a demigod.

We moved back to Illinois when Leila was born, and it took well over a year to find a job. Thanks for the recession, Ronnie.

I got a job finally, in 1987, but half the people I knew were looking for work until the nineties. That was Reagan's fault, but Bush did nothing to alleviate the situation.

There was something about Clinton I just didn't like; he came across as a sleaze and I think I voted Libertarian that election, I don't really remember, but it wasn't a vote for Clinton.

I was wrong about him; he put 100,000 new cops on the street, and my crime-ridden neighborhood got a neighborhood cop and crime plummeted. He signed PWORA which ended generational welfare. I voted for his reelection.

As to Bush II, can you name a single positive thing he accomplished? I can't.

As to Obama, my opinion of his mediocre President went up a little when he started opening Cuba; it's long overdue. We've had relations with China and Russia for years, it should have happened when the Berlin Wall came down and the USSR split up.

Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

I usually vote Greenie or Libbie unless one of the two majors is particularly offensive or I think the incumbent has done a good job (voted against Clinton his first administration, but voted for his reelection).

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