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Comment Re:Make it convenient for me and I will pay (Score 1) 251

And there is no functional difference between someone who pirates and someone who would never buy the product in the first place.

Well, if one would never buy it, why pirate it in the first place? It's obviously not a "need"

Here's an example. Suppose I ran Windows and wanted to "DJ" in Second Life. On Windows, Sam Broadcaster is considered the best for that purpose.. It costs $300. Now if I only DJ'd a few parties and friends events, that's a big money sink for software I wouldn't use much. But if I don't want to pay that much for it, and would never buy it, that is not an excuse to pirate the thing.

Apologists like you claim that there are "many people who would never buy it", but if they would never buy it, they shouldn't pirate it, because pirating proves it has value to them....but they just don't want to pay for it.

Comment Re:Nerd Point of Contention (Score 2) 222

The Dual-Analog that became the Dual-shock, yes. but not the Analog joystick:

So technically the PSone had an analog controller before the N64, though it wasn't a Dual-shock.

I don't count the neGcon because it only had one analog axis and a few analog buttons.

Comment Re:Nerd Point of Contention (Score 1) 222

I argue by saying yes, yes it was. Mario64 was the first fully fleshed-out 3d world ever in a video game that didn't have you running around on a set path. You could go up, down, left, right, forward and backward as you pleased

Jumping Flash! on the PSone predates Mario64. Hell, even SNES Wolfenstein and DOOM and Zero Tolerance on the Genesis predate Mario64.

So yes, yes it was the beginning of the 3d era on consoles.

no, it wasn't.

Comment Re:pussed out (Score 1) 222

Could have spent years on Apple ][ / C64 games.

Yeah, and that's just the load times from floppy.

Consoles will never match the likes of computer games from the 80s.

And vice versa, they had different strengths.

nothing beats games like Ultima Series, Bard's Tale, Wizardry, F-15 Strike Eagle, Oregon Trail, Karateka, , Lode Runner, Spy v Spy.

Don't you know all those games had console releases?

Comment Re:not hating but ive never heard of it (Score 1) 186

Especially the -8 is rather pointless.

It ensures the alt key commands work, on some Linux distros, they won't unless you add the -8.

Reverse video also is a stupid suggestion as you can't know what the normal video mode is, for others.

While that is true, in the nethack community reverse video means white on black.

Actually, corridors look "right and proper" with the normal typeface, since that is nethack, this suggestion is also crap.

I'd rather have the corridors not look like this:


But this:

or this:

This, "#" is a sink, not a corridor.

Comment Re:Make it convenient for me and I will pay (Score -1) 251

TPB is not about USA-made content

Yes it is, because that's what's being pirated in massive amounts. Check the most popular torrents, you know what they're going to be. Hollywood releases for movies, Game of Thrones and Sons of Anarchy for TV, R&B and Pop stars for music, Adobe and microsoft software, games from US companies.

Hulu/Netflix provide you (legally) certain content (that they have right to) in USA (where they have content rights) and a few other countries. This is a large restriction.

So, then complain to the local content companies who haven't bought the local rights...and don't pirate.

Now biting the troll: other places do make good shows/films/games.

They do? Oh I know, the Koreans make P2W MMO's and the Japanese do moe otaku games with 12 year old characters with melon sized breasts and lots of zettai ryouki, the Russians do games about WW2, the germans do un-fun RPG's where your character has a chance to catch a cold from his pillow when he sleeps, and the Finns do monetized crappy phone/tablet games where you have to pay to progress at a decent pace.

And of course there's films and TV being made throughout the world. But that's not the stuff getting pirated on TPB, or being played on Steam, is it.

Comment Re:Make it convenient for me and I will pay (Score 0) 251

work out a deal with whatever local regional governments

What are these governments you speak of? It's companies that deal in content, not governments. If, say, people in Sweden can't get Game of Thrones digitally, it's because some local company doesn't have those rights. They have to pay for them, they are separate from broadcast rights, DVD/blu-ray rights, are also separate.

If the media companies in Sweden can't afford it, don't want to pay or those rights aren't offered there...that sucks. But it doesn't give the people in Sweden the moral right to pirate it.

After all, if BBC America stopped showing Dr. Who, that wouldn't give me the right to torrent it.

Region locking exists because rights are "per country" and often "per company". A company may have purchased some rights, but not others. Some companies may have rights but then decide to not release. Sometimes the contracts for who gets what were made years ago before internet and they have to wait till the contracts run out before they change what rights are offered and where.

If you don't like it..... nothing is stopping any country from making their own content....except that US companies...are very very good at Entertainment and make the stuff everyone wants.

All these pro-piracy articles aren't about American's pirating tv shows from Sweden or Russia. It's about Finns, Russians, Thais, Brazilians, Chinese, whatever...pirating American media.

Comment Re:Make it convenient for me and I will pay (Score 1) 251

Maybe, but it's always sounded to me that the Piracy-havens of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe want to have their cake and eat it too. Resenting the US corporations for dominating Entertainment, and then pirating all the US made games/movies/music/TV that they can.

If they don't want to pay, then don't pirate it. No fucking American company is going to be stupid enough to release things in Scandinavia, Finland, Hungary or Russia knowing that some pirate party/information wants to be free guy in Sweden or Finland or Former Comrade Commie current Mafiya Ivan will just upload the thing to or

maybe if they paid for stuff their own countries would be able to make quality content other than crappy point and click adventures with bad dialog, cheap cell phone games and trojans and viruses and botnets.

User Journal

Journal Journal: WTF, Firefox??? 7

As usual when I boot on Patch Tuesday, I open a bunch of tabs, the notebook slows to a crawl, and this time it was locked up so tight that Windows gave a message saying it couldn't display the message and to use the power button. I had to pull the battery to reboot the damned thing.

So I start Firefox back up and it says it's updating. It finally opens, with an extra tab, one telling me that it changed my default search to Yahoo.

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