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Comment Re:Wet Dream (Score 1) 99

Five, at very least.

Sounds about right.

So, it's those people with no money in the Third World that are the threat to Sony. How big do you really believe the threat of Playstation piracy could be?

Serious. Think about all the second/third worlders supporting piracy on Slashdot. The hungarians/romanians/russians saying they pirated everything and then complaining about how no one wants to pay for their own software they make so they're thinking about emigrating...but that everyone should pirate Game of Thrones because media companies who want to make a profit are evil.

Or the swedish game designers who admit to pirating games themselves, and tell everyone else to pirate theirs. Leaving the game development to be paid for by Americans.

Haven't we been over the actual statistics about piracy in the entertainment industry to be able to drop this notion that piracy is some "existential threat" to the industry?

It is a threat, people aren't paying for stuff they obviously want. Software, hardware, physical goods, doesn't matter, it's still taking something without paying. Even the Humble Indie bundles get pirated. People can go on how Sony or Microsoft and other companies are evil and information wants to be free and all that.....but really it's just a bunch of people who don't want to pay. And the more we as gamers tolerate and condone piracy, DDOS attacks against servers, the more things Sony and other companies believe they have to do to protect their stuff.

We might think it's no big deal when some kid pirates a few games....but what happens if that kid grows up and keeps on pirating. We've got adults bragging about it on Slashdot. In the old days it was "Sure kids pirate, but once they get a job they'll pay for games", but it's not the case anymore.

Comment Re:PC couch multiplayer is a thing now (Score 1) 99

Until they learn they can actually get 1080p on the Steam version of a game when they can't on the version of the same game for a major console.

yeah right? has that actually happened? Do you really think that's going to happen? I don't think so.

Didn't someone sue Sony about a game not actually being in 1080p?

And the consensus was that guy was a frivolous overly entitled jerk.

Comment Re:Men in education and healthcare? (Score 0) 329

With all the 'men are sexist pedophile rapists' shit thrown around,

What shit? The only shit of that sort I see is thrown around by MRA's claiming that OTHERS are throwing it around. Sure there's always a couple of UK radfems still living in the 70's and spreading their stuff to the US, but they're getting older and won't be around for much longer.

it's gotta be less.

But it's not less, why does it have to be less? Because Mr. epyT-R on Slashdot who seems to have a grudge against feminism/women/diversity in general, says so? It's not what the actual statistics say. Sure there's more of a fuss about the demographics now. The reason for that is because elementary teaching WAS considered purely women's work in the past, and in fact one of the few jobs women were "allowed" to do, now we realize we as a society goofed.

I had plenty of male teachers in elementary school, my father (and mother) had precisely zero. High school was 50/50. Maybe your area was not the norm?

Comment Re:progress (Score 2) 97

considering that TFS said that TFH (The Fucking Hackers) started out by targeting Blizzard and later switched to PSN. and are now targeting Xbox Live. I think talking about Starcraft but focusing on PSN is wrong.

These jerks are targeting everyone. PC and console, Microsoft and Sony.

Comment Re:Loud and clear (Score 1) 329

So, it sounds like women don't go into computer science because they don't like computers.

My reply is tongue-in-cheek, not serious.

Maybe they just didn't like the IBM PC and DOS? Maybe they preferred Apple or Commodore and the change to the IBM/Intel/MIcrosoft hegemony, drove them off?

Hell maybe it was the money. "Oh this C64 and 1541 isn't that expensive, I can even hook it up to the TV, I can learn about computers and there's even a $50 word processor"

"IBM wants me to pay over $2000 for a machine without a monitor....and it doesn't come with any software and the word processing package costs $249? I've got groceries to pay for."

Comment Re:Men in education and healthcare? (Score 2) 329

The fact is, school systems have become quite toxic to men. There used to be a lot more of them, and now they're leaving for a reason.

That's not true, there are actually more male teachers now than there were when my dad (born in 1927) went to school.

There is no "toxic environment". The truth is, most men don't teach because they view it as a low paying low status job dealing with people "kids" they don't want to have to deal with. In other words. Men are more selfish.

Comment Re:They're not gamers. (Score 1) 276

Should it be considered normal for one person to reply to most of my posts

Touche, good point. But lets just say I'm tired of you simply not "getting it"


bring in past context where none was intended?

Come now, with you there is always past context. EVERYTHING for you leads into and is about your desire to be a console developer and how frustrated you are that Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft, just don't hand over dev kits to anyone who wants them and let them publish whatever game they came up with. Which is probably a clone of someone elses game with altered rules and graphics.

But the problem're too disabled to do so, and deep down you know it. Why else would you make such a fuss about moving. Someone who wasn't disabled...they'd just submit their resume/samples, and if they needed to travel for an interview, they would. If they got hired and needed to move for the job...they would just do it, and not go on about "best practices for this and that" all the time.

Tepples...don't be the next Bob Pelloni. Heck you might not want to be the next Notch either...they guy who gets bored and never finishes his own projects.

Comment Re:Wet Dream (Score 1) 99

You don't need to, I'm well aware of the incidents, and the non-proportional Slashdot bias. I'm also aware that the Sony BMG rootkit was done by an outside contractor, not Sony themselves. And I'm aware that Sony sued the rootkit company.

And I'm also aware that Sony divisions are very independent of each other and don't entirely get along. Sometimes Sony's hardware brances win and get to make decisions, sometimes sony's media branches do.

I am also aware that some think that Sony should split itself up into two separate companies because of that.

If you want to complain that Sony doesn't trust it's customers....that's right, they don't. People, especially in the second and third worlds have given them good reason not to. Why shouldn't they stop cheapskates from being able to install some pirated FFX.iso from "" or "" on their "flip top PS2" that they supposedly modded just for "imports" but actually did so for piracy reasons.

I was a moderator on the YDL forum remember? And 75 percent of newbies were some second or third worlder wanting to know how they could install emulators on YDL or if YDL would let them play PS2 backups.

Comment Re:3D Blu-Ray Player (Score 1) 99

I'm not going to start because Sony stupidly made patches mandatory, even if I just want to play a single player game.

Turn off it's internet connection, then it won't even check and you won't have to worry about updates at all.

And PS+ costs money that I should not have to waste to have something as rudimentary as auto-patching.

Yes, they shouldn't have kept that PS+ only for so long. You get some automatic updates if you're not But you have have it turned on, and many people...especially if they don't keep up with PS3 news, don't know it's available.

If you have PS+ it keeps track of your disc based gameplay and automatically gets the updates for those most recently played games for those too.

Comment Re:3D Blu-Ray Player (Score 1) 99

You must be an American, or the the kind of globalization sympatizer that leaves their lights and TV on all day in an empty room.

Yes, I am an American, and I live in a state with 11 nuclear reactors (IIRC) and a ton of wind-farms, but I don't leave lights and TV on.

Everyone else agrees that power is expensive, bandwidth overages and caps are a thing, and wear and tear can kill your electronics.

what, over 6 - 8 years? Having the PS3 turn on at 5 to check for updates and then shut itself off is nothing. I've still got a fully functional CECHE model PS3, with it must be said, an upgraded hard drive.

The situation is better with the PS4, it can do that in standby without turning on fully.

I have a few game DVDs I bought for the PS2 starting just 7 years ago. Scratches or some laser problem I can't pinpoint started to become a problem. Load times for random battles or even unplayability of some parts of the game are sure a thing showing the console's age.

DRE's. Not likely scratches, PS2 DVD's are resistant to scratches,PS3 Blu-ray discs even more so. Google "PS2 disc read error", it can and probably will get worse. Some PS2 models are more resistant, SCPH-50001's in particular. You can send it to Sony to get it fixed, it used to be a free repair, but isn't anymore.

Comment Re:PC couch multiplayer is a thing now (Score 1) 99

Gamers aren't stupid, Tepples. People know about Big Picture's just that most don't really care. Your average PC gamer doesn't care because he's a PC gamer and believes that a desk is better for his keyboard and mouse.

Console gamers aren't going to switch to Steam, because they have had "Big Picture mode" for decades and already can play the games they want to play that way.

Comment Re:Going off my ex and other females I know... (Score 1) 276

It's not just Candy Crush. It's also the Sims, and any social interaction games (SecondLife, every major MMO, etc)

I sometimes call Second Life, "ChickWorld" because of how dominant women as a demographic are in it. I once wrote for one of the old big SL fashion blogs. I'm transgendered but the other contributors were non-trans women. Every single one of us was a gamer before we came to SL. MMO's (I know one was a serious guildie in WoW), tabletop RPG's, other games on computers and consoles.

I have a longtime SL friend who was at one time an "art school girl" who had items she made in some of "The Sims" expansion packs...and IIRC she emigrated from the Sims Online to SL.

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