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Comment good points; statins are a crime against science (Score 1) 468

Years ago scientists figured out that the body's stress and sex hormones are made from LDL cholesterol. If the conversion from LDL to Pregnenolone isn't working as well as it should (vitamin deficiency, or other cause), the body ramps up production of the steroid prohormone precursor, LDL.

But science doesn't make Pfizer et al $billions, so it gets stuffed in a burlap sack and kicked to the side. There is good health advice out there, for people who choose to search for themselves, and who have a bit of luck. Just be careful when talking to medical professionals, as their training has been excessively influenced by those profiteers...

Comment Re:I hope they reinstate the tower (Score -1) 123

There's no way Tesla would have known anything about it.

Tesla grokked physics like no one else before or (perhaps) since. One of his visions revealed to him how light, magnetism and gravity all interact. The understanding came in an instant, but much development was required to turn the vision/insight into something practical. R&D requires capital, and JP Morgan et al only provided capital so long as it could offer a return. Remember that Tesla tore up his licensing agreement with Westinghouse so the electric system would be built out with alternating current.

Modern physics has nothing on Nikola Tesla.

Comment Re:I hope they reinstate the tower (Score 1, Interesting) 123

The heirs to JP Morgan's energy industry would NOT be very happy about the revival of Tesla's vision of free wireless power for all.

Remember that JP Morgan pulled his funding when Tesla didn't know how to incorporate an electric meter into his system for extracting energy from the aether ("higgs field" is the latest term, I think).

Comment reading is easy to teach (Score 1) 237

John Gatto says (paraphrased) that some children learn to read when they're two, others at 8, and that by the time they're 10 you can't tell the difference. The important thing is to wait until the child is ready, and supply appropriate instruction at that time.

Good post, though. The shop teacher complained to me (years ago) about the students who'd rather be taking "baking", but had to be in his class for whatever reason...

Comment What if college is a distraction? (Score 5, Interesting) 237

They don't want us to realize that the reason college is so important is because children in the U.S. are deliberately prevented from learning anything valuable in their first 13 years of "education".

My dad had a friend in high school who taught shop class. He helped me about 6 years ago with his shop tools. He was forcibly retired a few years later because the administrators decided that woodworking and metal working aren't important to people who are going to college, which is all that matters in a globalized society.

Apparently that's the feedback loop: Grade school gets you ready for middle school, middle school for high school, high school for college, college for graduate school, graduate school for unemployment.

  According to a book from the 1970's I found at a thrift shop years ago ("The Screwing of the Average Man"), College used to be something that the upper class sent their children to, so they'd have a leg up on the un-credentialed proletariat. After WWII Congress passed the GI Bill to pacify all those ex-soldiers, and college became affordable for everyone. I was going to say that college is a waste of money, but the real waste is in K-12 - at least in College you mostly take only the classes you care about.

Comment didn't the NIH lower recommended fluoride levels? (Score 1) 80

And what about the guy who says that fluoride cuts up the enzymes that re-enamalize teeth?

Healthy teeth are made of calcium and phosphate, according to Gerard Judd's old site ( iirc - check Cavities are caused by acids which dissolve tooth enamel - these are either in foods (soda, etc), or produced by bacteria. Instead of dumping a highly reactive molecule in the water, one that contributes to osteoporosis in old women, wouldn't it be better to give kids the proper supplements in their school lunches?

Incidentally, I am totally disillusioned about oral hygiene products. Plain baking soda and salt works better for me than almost every brand of toothpaste I've ever purchased, except for one. Gerard Judd recommended bar soap on his site, and that was generally okay, but I'd have to double-brush (soap followed with baking soda) to get rid of the taste.

Comment farmers ate real food (Score 2) 842

... Things like butter and bacon.

Poor people eat imitation foods (usually made with "vegetable" oil), not because it's healthy, but because fake foods are the only possible way for Wall Street to get its share of all the money people spend on food.

Soda is immitation food too, but vegetable oil is much more fattening than sugar, or even mercury-contaminated hfcs.

Comment Re:Did you read his book? (Score 1) 281

This was the first book I've read in quite some time, and I really liked it. It's not a deep book, just sorta biographical. He (well, 'they' - it was cowritten with the guy who co-wrote Gabrielle Gifford's book, Zaslow or something like that) cover all the experiences that prepared him to make those immediate decisions after they'd hit the flock of birds.

***** (5 stars)

I saw a copy at a charity book sale in February, so you might check Goodwill. has copies for $1 + shipping...

Comment Did you read his book? (Score 1) 281

Captain Sullenburg is the pilot who successfully ditched his Airbus in the Hudson river in 2009. I found a copy of his book, Highest Duty, in a discount book bin a few months ago.

The interesting thing about "Sully" is that he'd spent his entire career studying aviation accidents, and thinking about what he, as a pilot, could have done to make the accident turn out better.

Comment The core difference between the U.S. and China (Score 3, Interesting) 311

In China, the government owns the banking system.
In the U.S., the banking system owns the government.

The Chinese government gives basically interest-free loans, through the state's bank, to the industrial sectors of their economy. The U.S. government guaranteed Solyndra's loans, meaning the government was on the hook for the interest payments to Wall Street when Solyndra couldn't make enough off their solar panels to both cover the costs of manufacturing and their interest-heavy loan payments.

If Solyndra's guarantee had been properly structured, the U.S. Government would now own a fully-functional photovoltaic factory. The government's factory should be cranking out as many watt-hours of "solar tubes" as possible, and installing these on government buildings in sunny locations. They'd get the solar tubes for cost (as the new owners of the plant), decrease energy prices for everyone, and save a ton of money.

Oh well.

Ellen Brown has a nice take on the difference in China's economic strategy.

Comment Re:Most drugs are bunk (Score 1) 237

I think it is because hyperlipidemia is a symptom of the underlying medical problem, not a causal agent.

The underlying medical problem is frequently hypothyroidism, which is partially caused by replacing traditional saturated fats like butter and lard with seed oils (canola, soybean, linseed/flaxseed, etc).

Comment Who still uses estrogen? (Score 1) 237

I talked to a 60-something woman who used to have extreme fibromyalgia problems last weekend. Estrogen came up, and she said her doctors had put her on it years ago. She was in the hospital within a week.

There's a PDF floating about the Estrogen Scam... Let's see... Ah, here it is:
The Rise and Fall of Estrogen Therapy: The History of HRT

This was written by a harvard law student, and basically finds that the estrogen hucksters are criminally negligent.

My most recent blog post is the start of a series about problems with chemical birth control pills. I thought it'd be good to start out with why they're so expensive, but I've since realized that staying baby-free is much more important to most women than the cost, or the side effects...

Comment estrogen stops bone destruction (Score 2) 237

... but it also prevents new bone from growing. Progesterone - the natural kind (progesterone USP), NOT the kind in birth control (Provera) that was studied in the Women's Health Initiative - is what helps new bone get laid down.

Progesterone is good on all counts. It's a hormone on its own, and the body converts it into other hormones, like testosterone and cortisol. This is why birth control takes away women's libido - fake progesterone ("progestins") CANNOT be converted into other hormones, which leads to a testosterone deficiency and low libido.

If you have puffy veins when you stand and raise your hands 30-degrees from your legs, or have varicose veins in your legs, you're probably progesterone-deficient... There are lots of symptoms that respond nicely to progesterone therapy.

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