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Comment Re:Queue the deniers (Score 5, Insightful) 387

I have to respond to this, because it's clearly an attempt at a "balanced" view but missing some very important key points that distort your opinion.

First of all reducing the AGW debate to "both sides" with a neutral "middle ground" is disingenuous - in the count of number of people the balance is very strongly in favor of accepting AGW to degrees ( e.g. this recent set of studies arriving at between 91-97% consensus ). The denialists get disproportionate attention, which is actually a known type of political manipulation (e.g. argument to moderation) and this type of attention has been shown to disproportionately affect people who aren't specialized in the subject matter to moderate their position when no such moderation is required (more on this subject, though I can't find the scientific paper about it right now.

Second, appeal to "scientific purity" is overshooting. Science is constantly advancing, improving models, replacing wrong assumptions with less wrong assumptions. There is nothing "pure" about it, and in no way does it need to be to advance the cause and be useful to our lives. Words such as "purity" are much too loaded to be used, exactly because of the scientific approach. There's no need to deny - the scientific world does not have all the T's crossed and the I's dotted on AGW, just as it doesn't on gravity, physics and quantum theory, but we still happily cross bridges every day. The degree of certainty has long reached sufficient levels to warrant seriously looking at how to realistically (not politically, stupid carbon credits) mitigate instead of discussing a black and white position on AGW's existence.

And thirdly the AGW debate is much bigger than the USA. I understand that you have bipartisan issues across the board (not just AGW, and to be clear: I think both parties are in the wrong) but that doesn't extend to the rest of the world and this is a global issue.

So I think that while I don't entirely agree with your argumentation, I agree with your position. AGW is a science thing - and science has agreed that it exists though not to which degree. The challenge is to find solutions, and that's also with science.

Finally, I find the actual article very intriguing and somewhat challenging to my own views on AGW, as evidenced by my first thoughts on this: could it be that the geology of the antarctic is becoming destabilized because of the lessening of the weight of the ice sheet, in turn causing more geological activity? But that's a conjecture from an explanation that wouldn't challenge AGW, and real science must of course also look for other hypotheses.

Comment Re:No fuel economy figures are going be right (Score 1) 238

An inaccurate but precise measure is great if it's consistently inaccurate. But if it's consistently inaccurate, why not just measure the inaccuracy and correct all the values?

Because inaccurate measurements are rarely consistently so.

The test isn't claimed to be inaccurate, it's claimed to be non-representative of real-world usage.

Comment Re:words (Score 1) 373

I like how the article explains to us the meaning behind the words Hindenburg and Titanic.

I wouldn't be surprised if some folks don't know the story behind these words. I mean some folks don't know the difference between "your" and "you're".

On the plus side you could use the result to cook you're toast at the end of it all.

If you're inside the car then you ARE toast at the end of it all.

Comment Re:Advertisement for Intel (Score 1) 158

Slashdot has become an advertising site. Intel is always the best. Any article which compares Intel with AMD or Nvidia is a piece of crap. Intel 20 years behind in graphics.

They really aren't that far behind anymore for an enormous amount of uses, some pretty graphics-intensive. From the HD integrated graphics onwards Intel has been making great strides with every iX generation, catching up in most ways that matter in all but the most demanding areas (high end games and GPGPU). And I'm not saying that because I love these guys, I spent a decade telling customer after customer that Intel just straight up lied (as did the driver) about the graphics capabilities of the 9XX series of integrated graphics, that our software would never, ever work properly on these cards, and they should have read the minimum specs that clearly stated that we didn't support these chipset (this is software that was an order of magnitude more expensive than the laptops they were buying to run it on, but customers can be a silly bunch). Having that same argument with management every two years "because thousands of people have these chipsets!" (they'd usually shut up after a realistic time estimate of the work to support these cards, along with a table of probable performance and visual quality).

No, the HD-series integrated chipsets make me quite happy, because now we can at least have minimal support for people who buy these laptops (it's nearly always laptops), and their experience will actually be pretty good.

As an aside, it's easy to tell that TFA is absolutely true by how few major gaming titles ship. Oh, wait.

Comment Re:Beats sound like garbage (Score 1) 198

For home audiophile headphones at an affordable price, I've been pretty happy with my AKG K701. Maybe it's just prejudice, but I'd much rather go with a company that has a reputation for doing one thing (decent headphones) and doing it well, as opposed to Sony whose headphone offerings include plenty of bottom-end Chinese-contracted crap.

The Sony MDR's are highly regarded in pro audio circles. I hate Sony-the-company with a vengeance, but I have a pair of ancient MDR-V900s that are incredible. I've used them for tracking, monitoring, live sound (where they really shine, because they lock out a LOT of external noise), and occasional mix reference. They were recommended to me by a person who tracks some of the biggest Belgian rock bands, and runs live sound at festivals of up to 60.000 people.

Downside: they fit so well around the ear that they aren't very comfortable for long periods of time (hot, sweaty ears), they are a professional, specialist tool. My day-to-day portable music headphones are Pioneer in-ears - where it doesn't really matter all that much because I want to *hear* what's going on around me when I'm hiking/jogging/commuting, so my audiophile experience is severely compromised anyway. When I'm really listening to music, I do it on speakers (Adam A5x).

Comment Re:Ha ha (Score 1) 435

Taking a page out of badanalogyguy's playbook, I compare it to a hand-built high performance racing car. It's really fast, but when you're driving it close to the edge of its performance it's twitchy as hell and you need a lot of experience to keep it from breaking out and careening off the track. A professional driver can make it do things you didn't even know were possible, and when you try to do the same following a detailed description you spin it out of control time and time again. It doesn't start with an ignition key, you need to flick a bunch of arcane switches in a complicated order to start all the car subsystems. When something goes wrong an unlabeled lights display looking straight out of Space:1999 lights up, and while the errors are described in the huge manual they are still so vague that you only begin to understand the errors after about the 10th time you've seen the same one. And whenever it needs maintenance or extension it turns out that someone manually hammered and bent the standard parts inside to fit, and nothing you can buy fits straight in without adaptation.

But man, it feels great when you run that thing around fast bends doing a great lap time. It doesn't really get you anywhere, but it makes you feel invincible.

Comment Re:I really object to this (Score 1) 80

To the untrained eye it says "this just in: science WRONG again!".

And isn't it awesome? More stuff to learn, new things to unearth! One of the coolest science shows I've seen recently is Neil deGrasse Tyson's "the inexplicable universe" lectures - all about things we do not understand yet.
It doesn't matter all that much that quite a few people think that science being wrong is a bad thing, as long as enough actual scientists know that science being wrong is how it works. Without science finding wrong bits or inexplicable bits how would we know where to keep digging and looking for better explanations?

And in the mean time, those of us who know how it works can keep enlightening those that don't with stories of the coolness of our universe and science. Every kid I know is fascinated by many cool things they can find out about in science. Dinosaurs, flight, space travel, the variety of life forms, menthos bottle rockets, slow motion explosions and car crash physics, growing things in the garden, there is SO MUCH out there that doesn't even take an effort to get them interested in. Take a 6-year old around the Science Museum in London, and you'll find their curiosity will inspire you to learn more about everything. They'll come up with questions you can't answer, and you'll have to look things up together and figure it out, and it's just totally awesome.
Mankind is inherently curious. Don't let a minority of (admittedly very vocal) conservative (lifestyle, not politics) old fogeys drain you of your curiosity and excitement about being wrong.

Comment Re:It's a turd that's slowly being polished (Score 1) 435

It was Bjarne himself who said that there are two kinds of programming languages: those everyone complains about, and those that nobody uses.

I'm sure that was said more or less as a joke, but it rubs me the wrong way. The basic suggestion here is that no language that reaches sufficient usage is going to be without its problems. That's fair, but I'm reading from it an implication that the criticism is purely due to its popularity, and that's not fair. There are a lot of problems with C++; some are fixable, some are too inherent in the design to be fixed. A lot of what could be fixed has been, and that's fantastic, but there's still plenty of room for legitimate criticism that has nothing to do with hating what's popular.

I'm not sure there's THAT much room for legitimate criticism in C++, if you know the basic inviolate root principles of the language. Or to put it another way, anything that fixes those particular problems would not be C++ anymore. I think D attempted to fill that niche, and it has failed to gain traction, no matter how good it seems. My implication in posting that quote was "if D was popular, people would be complaining about it too", because all languages have a determined set of detractors (anti-Java "not everything fits into OO", anti-Python "whitespace isn't a substitute for program structure", anti-Lisp "how many brackets do you need")....

Regarding languages that "nobody uses," that doesn't necessarily say anything about their quality; some things just don't take off for whatever confluence of reasons. It remains to be seen whether D specifically will or will not, but from what I understand, it is very well-designed and avoids a lot of the design issues present in C++. That's really cool if true and I'm looking forward to seeing if those claims hold up.

Popularity and quality aren't linked (I compared C++ to PHP in another comment), and I don't mean to imply that D is rubbish. I've given it a cursory glance several times over the years. It just doesn't seem to have a compelling argument for my use - I'm already in C++, and if I have enough leeway to go higher-level I tend to end up in Python, with the massive library of useful stuff behind it.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 2) 435

I assume what GP means is std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, std::make_shared, and then your own custom make_unique because they forgot that in the standard and a bunch of std::moves to convert the canonical unique_ptr from your factory functions into the shared_ptrs that you are actually using everywhere else.

And then fighting with the several iterations of only half-done C++11 implementations in recent versions MSVC compared to the better support in Clang while trying to keep your code compiling across 4 different platforms with as little use of #ifdefs as possible. May the noodley-appendaged one help you if you were hoping for easy multi-threading or unicode support.

I keep telling myself I like this language, but who am I kidding ;-). Seriously though, the language has made strides with C++11 and C++14, but it will always remain a minefield of ways to stab, shoot, detonate, incinerate and irradiate yourself in the foot, with some implicit casting to hands and other appendages thrown in.

Comment Re:It's a turd that's slowly being polished (Score 4, Interesting) 435

D *is* neat.

The only problem is lack of momentum.

It was Bjarne himself who said that there are two kinds of programming languages: those everyone complains about, and those that nobody uses.
On-topic, lots of people are going to hate C++, for its multi-paradigm "everything and the kitchen sink" approach combined with near-C-compatibility and low-levelness. It's the kind of language where two programmers come up with five different ways to do the same thing, and four of them are probably wrong in non-obvious ways. It's fun though, in the way that a high-performance sports car is fun to drive, but easy to wipe out.
I've been using it professionally for 15 years now, and if I observe anything, it's that the longer I use it, the more my stuff looks like C. I keep shaking my head at younger colleagues mis-using templates all over the place ("re-usability!", and hour-long compile times, coupled with really non-obvious implicit conversions and instantiations, never mind the error messages), and object-oriented hierarchies where each object is such a tiny part of the system that you need to remember 10 classes at the same time just to have a slight inkling of what this thing is actually supposed to do.
I still have that nearly irresistible urge to defend the language whenever discussions like these come up, but so much of that is because it's the language I use all bloody day. And then I write something incredibly useful in 10 lines of Python.....

C++ has its place, a masochistic place, ostensibly programming a higher-level abstraction than the people writing plain C ("troglodytes!", but most of them actually seem to know what they are doing and rustle up the higher-level abstractions directly in C, I have respect for you guys), and the people who don't have that much need for low-level features, the last drops of performance or cross-platform compilation (you're probably working in Java, C#, Python, Ruby, and *enjoying it* most of the time. And yes, you Java guys have every right to tear into me about cross-platformness, it's not like it's just hand-waving in C++ either). It's sort of a similar niche to PHP I guess. You know full well that a lot of the reasons for the hate are true, but all you have is this swiss-army-knife of a hammer and everything must be a nail.

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