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Comment Re:grandmother reference (Score 1) 468

Jesus fuck. So I can't buy games while on holiday in another country? A big FUCK YOU goes to ubisoft.

First World Problem.

There's nothing more ironic than someone who has the luxury of having time to complain about someone complaining spending that time complaining about them.

Yes, I realize what this post entails. But I was just sitting here and noticed that instead of curing cancer or solving world hunger, you chose to spend your time trying to make someone feel bad about complaining by complaining about them, and thought maybe you could use a bit o' perspective.

Comment Re:If by "some fucked up stuff" (Score 4, Insightful) 141

This just goes to show how pathetic a lot of leftists are. But but Cuba has some great, free healthcare. Yeah? Cuba's also politically and economically FUBAR to the nth degree

Leftists including myself bring up Cuba's health care system to show that even a country which is totally busted politically and economically can manage a national health care system which provides outcomes as good as what we have now (which ain't that great, but bear with this argument) for pennies on the dollar. It's not that we should go commie, it's that even the commies can manage health care. Here in the allegedly greatest nation in the world, the only magnificent part of our health care system is the size of the bill.

Comment Re:Saddest line ever (Score 5, Interesting) 141

Let's see you try to overthrow your government and post about it on the internet. Let's see how long you keep your free internet access (and your freedom in general).

Right now, any dickwad in America is free to put up a website advocating abolishment of the American government. And indeed, many of them have. Further, there is in fact a completely legal process for elimination of the constitution; you could pass an Amendment replacing it with another document. Nothing prevents anyone from starting a political party on this basis. I bet if I were less lazy I could find some really batshit crazy examples right now, but I equally bet that some people out there in Slashdot-land already know of some. I hope they will help out and link them here.

Comment Re:grandmother reference (Score 1) 468

Depends on your definition of harm. The money the people had to spend doesn't disappear- it gets spent in other ways. Many of those other ways will be local businesses, which will improve the local economy. The long term effect may be positive. Especially with software that can just be pirated.

Comment ST:TNG (Score 1) 480

Star Trek: The Next Generation was generally well-done, with interesting charcerters and only a few clunker episodes.

I found Deep Space 9 an interesting concept let down by unimaginative writing.

I found Voyager unwatchable. Janeway came across as an affirmative action bureaucrat. A Captain is a monarch, not a bureaucrat. Patrick Stewart had played Shakespearean kings, and played Picard the same way. It worked. What Janeway needed was a good desk.

Sliders was a really interesting premise that ran out of steam. The same story every week. Yawn.

The X Files also started out well and also ran out of steam, descending in to torture porn.

Didn't watch any of the others, so no comment.


Comment Re:The solution is obvious (Score 1) 579

I don't understand the point of buying a non-Google Android device.

I've looked at them, and I just never saw anything that made me think "that's clearly so much better and cheaper than the Google device that I should be reliant on the manufacturer and carrier to support it."

When my Nexus 4 went tits up I bought a Moto G 2014. It's got an SD slot, it's got KitKat (now) and it's unlockable/rootable. Indeed, unlocked and rooted. It was under $200 with a ringke slim backing added, from Amazon. That was pretty compelling. I miss the GB of RAM but nothing else.

Comment Re:BUT - will it auto-calculate folder sizes? (Score 1) 378

It's too slow to be useful


and will utterly kill network drives.

Seems like Microsoft can address this one of two ways. One, just don't do it to network drives, the OS knows which those are. Two, by now they ought to have been able to implement this in SMB or whatever it is called now, where the client just asks the server for the size of the directory so it doesn't have to do all the calls manually. The server can prioritize that stuff last.

Comment Re:Oh please, you act as if they're computers (Score 1) 82

A modern smart phone can barely compete with a desktop PC from 2000 (CPU wise anyway, smartphones do have much better GPU's).

Gee, is that all? I remember doing quite a lot on my desktop in 2000.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if a 1GHz Pentium 3 could beat a dual core 2GHz ARM CPU. Sure the P3 would be chewing 30W and the ARM only 6.

I'm betting it would depend on which benchmark you were running.

Comment Re:BOO to a DOUCHE (Score 2) 51

So you insult the guy who used science to invent stuff that is practical and has in general enhanced our lives.

While you fully support a guy who had difficulty making a device that can be used.

Now don't get me wrong, I look up to Tesla as the better scientist. But Edison had the vision to use science to solve problems. Yes He made money from it. But I wouldn't say he is a sell out, he started inventing stuff as a way to make money.

Comment Re:Terrible names (Score 5, Interesting) 378

I don't care what they call it. But I just want the ability to drill down to find my feature.
The Windows 8 Interface, and Office 2007+ Ribbons with its tiles, kills the drill down idea, and gives you a big set of data cluttered in your face.

I am all for a spot for shortcuts and links, where you can put the most used features right at your beck and call. But being the case I use 20% of the features 80% of the time, means I much rather have most of the stuff shoved away from my site, until I need them, and I can use common sense to find out where they are.

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