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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 19 declined, 5 accepted (24 total, 20.83% accepted)


Submission + - Biotech Industry tries to ease reliance on corn

Kensai7 writes: "The ethanol craze is putting the squeeze on corn supplies and causing food prices to rise. Mexicans took to the streets last year to protest increased tortilla prices. The cost of chicken and beef in the United States ticked up because feed is more expensive.

That's where biotechnology comes in. Scientists are engineering microscopic bugs to extract fuel from a variety of non-corn sources, including the human urinary tract, a Russian fungus and the plant responsible for tequila. More in this article on BusinessWeek."

Submission + - Google founders & CEO take $1 salaries again!

Kensai7 writes: "PC World reports how "poor" Google top executives and founders are getting (again in 2006) one of the lowest salaries in the industry but at the same time continue growing their billionaire fortunes by being stockholders of their own successful company.

In fact, this is probably the best way to climb quickly the Forbes list: have a revolutionary product/service and invest on thyself early on!"
The Matrix

Submission + - The Memory Hacker

Kensai7 writes: "Ted Berger has spent the past decade engineering a brain implant that can re-create thoughts. The chip could remedy everything from Alzheimer's to absent-mindedness — and reduce memory loss to nothing more than a computer glitch. An article on Popular Science explains how he expects to achieve this!"

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