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Submission + - The Scientific Method Versus Scientific Evidence In The Courtroom (

An anonymous reader writes: A few months back, the National Research Council and the Federal Judicial Center published the Third Edition of the Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, the primary guide for federal judges in the United States trying to evaluate scientific evidence. One chapter in particular, “How Science Works,” written by David Goodstein (Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at CalTech), has raised the issue of how judges should see science in the courtroom: should they look at science to see if it matches our idealized view of the scientific method, or should they consider the realities of science, where people advocate for their own theories far more than they question them?

Comment Re:I have visited terrorist websites (Score 1) 402

Why? Why do you want to understand these people? I'm serious. Why deliberately fill your head with hatred and evil and seek to know what motivates these people? Can you? Is it possible? To what end?

Not the original poster, but there are a lot of valid reasons to view hate sites. (Leaving aside the intellectual freedom issues, etc.)

1. Simple intellectual curiosity into the motivations of terrorists, militant racists, etc..

Yep, that is what I told my wife. "Honey, I am just looking at these porn sites and chatting with these women because I have intellectual curiosity". For some reason she is not as good with that as you are.


Submission + - French President proposes Jail for Terrorist website visitors (

howardd21 writes: "French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is only a month away from an election, argued that it was time to treat those who browse extremist websites the same way as those who consume child pornography. "Anyone who regularly consults Internet sites which promote terror or hatred or violence will be sentenced to prison," he told a campaign rally in Strasbourg, in eastern France. "Don't tell me it's not possible. What is possible for pedophiles should be possible for trainee terrorists and their supporters, too."
Is this a good move for security, or just another step towards a totalitarian society that prohibits free expression?"

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