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Comment Re:Control the carbs and you control blood lipids (Score 1) 252

Sorry, but you are a fool. High carb diets promote hunger, which is what leads to larger portion sizes. It's a vicious cycle, and you aren't going to stop it by attacking the portion size. That just leaves people hungry, and they are going to cheat on their "diet" and it gets worse. You are spouting the EXACT SAME BS that has been spouted in the US for 30+ years to the exact opposite effect. I try low carb and in six months I lose what it took my 13 years to gain, no hunger, no exercise. Sure, I eat less than I did, but that is BECAUSE THE FOOD IS MORE FILLING, not due to some superhuman feat of willpower on my part.

Comment Re: wont last (Score 3) 287

Except that is completely wrong. Fraud and theft are illegal in free market capitalism. Rape and murder are illegal too.

Why does everyone think they understand and are qualified to speak about and criticize economic systems when they have only the barest idea of what the words even mean, much less the history and principles behind them?

Comment Re:Talk (Score 1) 307

"We will have a partner that is capable of their own wants and desires"

Not to be insulting, but this is literally the worst idea ever.

Suggest you read up on paperclip maximizers to see why...

Aliens are actually much less threatening than AIs, because we can understand them better. Our goals are much more similar--our value functions seek to maximize chances of successful reproduction, meaning we seek to mate (or whatever) and gather resources to maximize the chances of reproduction for our descendants. An AI could want to do any number of things seemingly tangential to our lives, but in the end would consume all the resources available, including the atoms in our bodies. That is, they are TRULY alien, thinking and acting in ways that simply don't pop up on our radar as being in the realm of possibility.

Comment Re:Sex bots (Score 1) 307

Actually, that would be a good application. Give rapists, sadists, and kiddie fiddlers a harmless outlet for their sexuality. Robots can be programmed to behave in any way they like, to up the realism. This would greatly reduce the amount of violence outside of the bedroom.

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