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Comment Re:Actionscript Scoping (Score 1) 729

I ran into one really bizarre bug in ActionScript several years ago. I can't remember all the details exactly, but I think that if you try to redeclare a variable as a different type in the same function, the redeclaration is ignored and the type stays the same.

Integer a;
... bunch of code ...
String b;
b = "foo";

That code would give an error about assigning a string to an integer variable. Of all possible ways to handle redeclaring a variable, ActionScript picked the worst.

Comment Re:wrong priorities (Score 1) 27

Shouldn't they focus on human rights, eradicating corruption, poverty, disease, getting rid of the so called debt they `owe` to Europe and the west? Instead, they want to improve their internet connection.. They really have the wrong priorities set at the moment...

Exactly. As we all know, organizations with millions of people are completely incapable of addressing more than one problem at a time.

Comment Re:Judicial Order (Score 2) 35

Assuming the summary is correct (I'm not new here, I swear), you need to read more carefully. The jury made it so that Google's clients couldn't be sued for infringing patents that Google had already paid to license. The judicial order was simply for Google to receive attorneys' fees.

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