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Comment Re:Just a matter of time... (Score 2) 348

You are clearly not a driver.

The reason tickets aren't given out at 1km over the limit is because various factors (tyre pressure, weight of occupants, etc) can affect the accuracy of the speedometer. Also, in the US at least, speedometers can legally register high (tell you you're going 45 when you're only doing 40) but never low (tell you you're doing 35 when in fact you're going 40). This means a cop matching your speed can assume you are actually going less than the displayed speed, but not more. Thus, there is some flexibility above the speed limit.

Comment Re:Strangely okay with this... (Score 1) 186

And how is preventing your children from being able to view pornographic content not parenting?

Because in this case it delegates the responsibility of what is and what is not porn to the filter providers, instead of being a conversation between parents & children.

I know, I know.. I'm old-fashioned. Now get off my lawn etc.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 139

Yes, gmail, search, G+, gtalk, and android are all free-as-in-beer. Some of them are also free-as-in-speech*. Well, unless you count ad-supported as NOT free.

* I have the source code for Android sitting here on my laptop. Didn't pay a brass razoo for it. Can modify and re-compile it 'til the cows come home. W00t openness!.

There are many reasons to hate Android, but lack of openness is not one of them.

Comment Re:Duh. (Score 1) 897

Clearly it is possible even without expensive manufacturing techniques. A car in the US that gets maybe 20 mpg will get near 50mpg in Europe. The same car. I wonder how Ford et al can even stand with the balls they must have to claim such a feat is simply not possible (for technical _or_ financial reasons).

Comment Re:Experienced only? (Score 1) 948

"I wonder if he thought I have more PHP experience than I actually do"

and then

"I'd prefer to portray myself as myself, rather than some fictionalized version of myself" ..except when it comes to subject-matter knowledge, apparently.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 515

CEO-in-name-only salary: $1,000,000
Actually-runs-the-company-CEO salary: $999,999.99


CEO-in-name-only salary: $1,000,000
Actually-runs-the-company-CEO salary: $1. The rest is made up in bonuses and stock, and other "non-salary" compensation.

Your suggestion is not really practical.

The Almighty Buck

Submission + - How ExxonMobil Funded Global Warming Skeptics

Erik Moeller writes: "According to a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists, oil company ExxonMobil 'has funneled nearly $16 million between 1998 and 2005 to a network of 43 advocacy organizations that seek to confuse the public on global warming science.' The report compares the tactics employed by the oil giant to those used by the tobacco industry in previous decades, and identifies key individuals who have worked on both campaigns. Would a "global warming controversy" exist without the millions of dollars spent by fossil fuel companies to discredit scientific conclusions?"

Submission + - Should I continue my education?

Jerim writes: I just finished my AS in Computer Science and am rolling it over into a BS in Computer Science. The problem is that I am 28 years old. I didn't really decide until I was 26 years old that I wanted to make IT my career. I have been moderately learning new technologies here and there over the years. However, at pretty much every level of the industry, I run into people who seem to know everything. Now, I like to think that they are just bluffing, or it is all in my head. No one can know everything. Lately, though, I have begun to think "What if they do?" What if that weird guy down the hall really does know everything there is to know about MySQL, PHP, Oracle, Java, and a dozen technologies I am only familiar with.

I feel that I can continue on in my studies and get a BS degree, but I am concerned that no matter how much I love the topic and no matter how hard I work at it, I will always be too far behind people to ever catch up. That I will have a BS degree and still be doing all the entry level stuff, with some "know it all" always looking over my shoulder to make sure I don't screw up. Is there any room in the industry for someone who doesn't know everything or has tons of experience, other than entry level positions? Since I won't get my BS degree until after my 31st birthday, is it worth it? Or is that just too late to be of any use in the industry?

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