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Comment Moo (Score 1) 3

I have a subscription, but i never use it. :) Adblock rids all the ads for me, and i only really come for journals anyway.

Too bad the drive died. I know how that feels. Norton Ghost saved me once.

There are some solutions though, including placing the drive in the freezer for a couple hours and trying again. Though, a search just found this that warns against it.

On a side note, i have mod points. Should be coming to a JE near you. (Someone seems to have modded us all up recently as it is.) Everyone, please point me to your posts even if your rating isn't less than stellar.

Comment Re:Targetting the "middle" (Score 1) 2

but most are actually very carefully aimed at a majority of users

Pandering to the public seems so fickle. Popular today means it'll require changing tomorrow.

Is the constant change really helpful, or are these studies done with blinders on, looking only for short-term gain?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Rant: Big flashy UIs 2

UIs are just getting worse and worse. Things are now bigger and larger, colorized even. "We really think you want to click this" has taken precedence over usability. I feel like i need to be an idiot to use such software.

Comment Moo (Score 1) 6

I wouldn't touch WD.

WD basically invented the hard drive and used to be awesome. Then they started selling garbage. After having a number of their drives fail and seeing online reports of the same, i no longer consider them an option. Same story with Epson for printers. It make me wonder why these great companies decided to destroy the one thing they had: A brand that stood for quality.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Rant: Untrusted Data from the Source 4

While trying to load test data, we found duplicates (based on the unique key) in the provided file. So, the BA (English is not her first language) asked them:

Does the test file present valid business scenarios?

The response

Comment Moo (Score 2) 2

In Israel, milk comes in bags. First time you see it, it's like, "really?" But then it starts to make sense and you realize how wasteful the larger containers are.

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