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Comment great, now think again (Score 2) 215

I am an electrician, from what they told me at school (and they had good arguments for that too) the demand and supply must always match - this means that that you produce more than you need and have to either sell outside (if you have to the price may be negative) or switch off the source. OTOH they talk 30 days but in the article they say max 6h which points to the problem with this whole nonsense - the och so cheap renewable energy requires not so cheap backups. If on the other hand they invested in say nuclear this would not be necessary. Take the newest concepts and you may even stop needing the storage for million of years as you may burn all fuel and you only have a need for medium term (200-300y) storage. But hey - pharaohs built pyramids that made no sense other than to show who has the longest d.k too, right?

Comment really - the whole world's ? (Score -1, Troll) 57

The only current event in the quoted article is from Florida. From what I read about bleaching the Australian reef went on and off with it and is doing quite well apparently. Maybe I read the wrong news tho. The facts are nazi anyway. How did the reef survive the times when the earth was much warmer than now, I wonder? Must be aliens.

Comment Re:The Iron Law (Score 1) 189

In your analogy the greens are a cult and I think it is a fair description. I can see that with my neighbors here in Germany. The problem is not the extinction rebellion or the likes of them but the people that actually made it to the government. Whether they are believers or just opportunists is not really very relevant - there is a cost to backing off too - as their followers will not understand when they are told this was all a lie. So we need a genius mind to pull off this reversing of the course. Currently there is more and more Putin blaming coming out of media so, we do not change the course tho - this is the path we are going then. At least that is what I see here in Germany: the 3 last nuclear power plants are still going off the grid at the end of the year.

Comment Re:Mark my words (Score 0) 118

I think the so called poor countries do not need the advise from /. to not to follow the green policy. I suspect that battery is good in some applications but the way they are now it is just a technical monster that only the rich can afford (especially if it burns together with your house). If it succeeds then mostly with nuclear power not with so called renwables. If you have nuclear you can use that to produce syntetic fuels from CO2 if you are so inclined. That is expensive but doable and has advantage that it uses existing infra and you can power with it big engines too. H2 is not really an option for this sort of battery replacement scheme as it is difficult to operate and has low energy density. But that all is against the holy religion of the green elite. We shall see what will happen. 2030 that is only 8 lockdowns from now. I live in Germany I guess Zelensky and my own government will "decarbonize" my energy consumption this winter already.

Comment Re: not even a month (Score 1) 193

They just wen to over the top with it. If they did not exaggerate this would not have happened. After all people want news. But I guess that was impossible and I see alternative channels have the same problem just with different bias. I guess not even bias is a problem if they do not exaggerate to the point of calling burning cities and indulging in street battles with the police a peaceful protest. But they did.

I also recall that my occasional contact with CNN (when there was nothing else available) was disappointing because these uneducated gits provided false information out of principle just because they were being ignorant.

Comment Re:Just put a slashdot moderation system on it (Score 1) 275

So how any of your points differ here and in the general population? The alg determines who is o moderate just as here it does. The whiners are everywhere. Having a serious discussion on social media is indeed difficult but not pointless. Sometimes you learn something. Not often and not everybody does. People are assholes. Online and offline. With online assholes being much easier and more satisfying while also on average less dangerous. Bike shedding is a term I have never heard but educated myself. yes this all may happen.

Most of the media I have known over the years have either moderation system that works like heavy handed censorship office, have closed the forums altogether or still have forums usually w/ points system but no meaningful moderation and usually no meaningful filtering. The ./ system would be an improvement even if it did not fix most of the problems. Already the sorting system would improve the situation. Not because all arseholes are then filtered but because there would be tagging sorting available in the first place.

Comment Re:The US should sanction EU (Score 1) 124

Yes of course. However It is not NATO that stopped anything but Ukrainians plus massive material support plus USA intelligence and training from the Brits. Like in Kosovo but bigger. It would have happened with or without NATO. Whether Putin wanted to roll over Europe is questionable. You may believe it however, if that make you feel better.

Comment Re:Can it guess requirements? (Score 1) 66

As with all religions there are followers who show sign of reason and who can react to facts and logic and for instance try to build things efficiently with whatever suits best the team and the project. There are extremist followers, most of which do not plan to achieve a goal because they do not even try to understand it. They are there for the thrill of the fight. There are normal people among the crews, who try to live from day to day and plan for the future at least short term if nothing else is possible. If you meet the first group you may actually enjoy success. The last group can also contribute to that although their ability to understand complex processes is limited and they are gullible which is to say - if this group meets the second you are done. For obvious reasons the second group is dispersed as they cannot form a working team due to their approach to life.
I personally do not care what you call your method or framework or state of mind etc. Methodology or framework or whatever you call it is just a tool It is your team that is using this tool to achieve the end goal. If they fit with each other they can do miracles. If they do not, not even unlimited supply of time and resources will produce anything (other than by accident, these do occur).

Comment Re:Nice timing (Score 1) 68

You mean they they will paint the flag on the whole fucker? I think that is an excellent idea. But what flag? I think US flag would be ok. I do not mind anyway. But in modern times maybe rainbow one would be more appropriate? Plus a huge statue of a dildo. Any one serving as a head of state in the West would do. Alternatively coca-cola logo would also be acceptable. Let Chinese paint it in red first to save on the cost.

Comment Re:Good position (Score 1) 145

It is probably cheaper for these desert regions bordering on salt water deposits to use electricity to desalinate. Put a nuclear reactor there and produce water. It does not compress well but that is not needed. The only problem is that these desert regions usually have populations that consider martyrdom as an option in their life choices so you would need something that have passive safety and these types of reactors are not ready yet.

Alternatively we can open the wet market in Wuhan again and wait till the problem with the population is resolved and then we can drive our cars as we used to. I mean the ones that survive the virus and the jab would. (this was sarcasm, in case of hyperventilation call a doctor).

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