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Comment Re: Dumps, you say? From the anus? (Score 0) 523

When was the last time you actually read a historical document yourself? Reading cursive and being able to write it are two different skills. Furthermore it is a skill not everyone will need, since there will be people who did learn it to transcribe whatever it is that is not transcribed. How come everybody knows the name Tutankhamen even though very very few people can actually read heiroglyphs? How is it possible that I know who Tutankhamen is, even though I don't read heiroglyphs very well at all.

Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 1) 304

Umm, how do you truly know she has never cheated? Or does that not matter to you? The only way you can be 100% sure is by "trusting your feelings" and your ability to judge a person's character .. its like believing in God. You don't have any real proof but it feels correct. Not like anyone has been wrong about their spouse or God being the Juju under the tree before.

Comment Re:Pulse generation - why? (Score 1) 151

No. The scientific theory is that a tokamak design will work if you build one large enough. However there is a risk involved since nobody has actually done it. Therefore, somebody has to spend the $20 billion to prove definitively that it works. After that $20 billion is spent, there is no (meaningful) intellectual property to assert because you can't patent a large version of an existing design especially when it wasn't even your idea that scaling up works. Also, the next guy to build one would be able to do it for cheaper since the guy spending the $20 billion would have made all the mistakes.

Comment Ridiculous (Score 0) 166

We don't have a right to block private citizens filming our property from the air. I don't see it in the constitution. I would like to be protected from police harassment and legal action taking place based on the interpretation of things supposedly filmed from above occurring on my property. Frankly although I normally respect Sotomayer, I feel she is misguided in this and is doing the bidding of the anti-drone lobby. Do you think government will give up its own right to fly drones? HAHAHA! This is to take away the ability to fly drones, and nothing else. I can understand MAYBE an ordinance against zooming in and prolonged observation of a specific property but the right to fly drones with cameras MUST be preserved. If you don't want to be viewed from above, build a roof. Are we to be banned from taking binoculars on aircraft as well?

Comment Re:Vibration messaging on the Apple Watch (Score 1) 471

Yeah I guess that one was kind of lame -- I wanted something that could charge the watch in 2 minutes or less while keeping the watch super thin since what I knew of the near field, whole room, or induction chargers is that they would add a few mm of thickness. I didn't exactly have the time, budget, tech vendor roadmaps, and team to sit around do nothing for a few months but kick ideas around and come up with practical ideas for a smartwatch.

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If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. -- Stanley Garn
