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Submission + - Google's AlphaGo beats Lee Se-dol in the first match ( 1

Fref writes: Quote "The Verge": "A huge milestone has just been reached in the field of artificial intelligence: AlphaGo, the program developed by Google's DeepMind unit, has defeated legendary Go player Lee Se-dol in the first of five historic matches being held in Seoul, South Korea. Lee resigned after about three and a half hours, with 28 minutes and 28 seconds remaining on his clock. "
Lee will face off against AlphaGo again tomorrow and on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday

Submission + - Gravitational waves detected: Einstein was (again) right! (

onestep42 writes: Albert Einstein finalized the General relativity theory nearly a century ago and it has never been defeated by experimental results.

One of the big man prediction was that events involving massive gravitational objects like a collision of neutron stars, a blackholes swallowing a neighbouring star or even a supernova, would shake the very ground of space-time continuum itself. These ripples would be named Gravitational Waves.

Those vibrations would be so strong that they would distort space-time on very large distances, propagating at the speed of light. Those Gravitational waves were detected by the Ligo / Virgo experimental collaboration, that were running for decades to prove their existence.

The basic concept is to measure the length of two long tunnels with lasers. Those tunnels are in T shape, orthogonally placed, so that if one is affected by a wave, the other one would be either not touched or with a different magnitude. If light takes more or less time than usual to travel along one of the tunnel, the length of it varied, because of Gravitational wave effect.

Those research not only confirm the waves existence themselves, but also open a new field of gravitational wave observation (beyond electromagnetic waves usually used). Also, the recorded event itself is probably proving that two blackholes merged together, creating those waves, adding to the discovery itself.

Nobel prizes at the horizon...

Submission + - What it will mean if LIGO detects gravitational waves

StartsWithABang writes: When we look out into the Universe, we normally gain information about it by gathering light of various wavelengths. However, there are other possibilities for astronomy, including by looking for the neutrinos emitted by astrophysical sources — first detected in the supernova explosion of 1987 — and in the gravitational waves emitted by accelerating masses. These ripples in the fabric of space were theorized back in the early days of Einstein’s General Relativity, and experiments to detect them have been ongoing since the 1960s. However, in September of 2015, Advanced LIGO came online, and it was the first gravitational wave observatory that was expected to detect a real gravitational wave signal. The press conference on Thursday is where the collaboration will make their official announcement, and in the meantime, here’s an explainer of what gravitational waves are, what Advanced LIGO can teach us, and how.

Submission + - Bjarne Stroustrup announces the C++ Core Guidelines

alphabetsoup writes: At CppCon this year, Bjarne Stroustrup announced the C++ Core Guidelines. The guidelines are designed to help programmers write safe-by-default C++ with no run-time overhead. Compilers will statically check the code to ensure no violations. A library is available now, with a static checking tool to follow in October.

Here is the video of the talk, and here are the slides.The guidelines themselves are here.

Submission + - Kids prefer to play games on mobile devices over consoles (

chloealsop writes: You may have fond memories of playing games on the family TV as a kid, but the next generation might not feel the same way. The NPD Group has published a report showing that more 2- to 17-year-olds in the US are playing games on phones and tablets (63 percent) than on consoles (60 percent). That may not sound like a big gap, but it was only two years ago that consoles captured 67 percent of young eyeballs. They're playing more often on those mobile devices, too, at an average 6 hours per week. And sorry, PC gamers, your platform of choice isn't as popular as it once was. Computer gaming has fallen from a heady 67 percent adoption back in 2013 to 45 percent today.

Submission + - Imgur exploited to channel botnet attacks at 4chan (

An anonymous reader writes: GIF and meme photo-sharing platform Imgur has been compromised by attackers looking for an opportunity to direct large volumes of traffic at infamous web forum 4chan. A Reddit thread explains that “when an Imgur image is loaded from /r/4chan [] imgur loads a bunch of images from 8chan, which causes a DDoS to those sites.” Meaning that if a user clicks an Imgur link on /r/4chan, it automatically makes around “500 requests” for one image from imageboard

Submission + - SourceForge grabs GIMP for Windows' account, wraps installer in bundle-pushing ( 1

shanehiltonward writes: SourceForge, the code repository site owned by Slashdot Media, has apparently seized control of the account hosting GIMP for Windows on the service, according to e-mails and discussions amongst members of the GIMP community—locking out GIMP's lead Windows developer. And now anyone downloading the Windows version of the open source image editing tool from SourceForge gets the software wrapped in an installer replete with advertisements.

Update: In a blog post issued shortly after this story posted, an unidentified member of SourceForge's community team wrote that, in fact, "this project was actually abandoned over 18 months ago, and SourceForge has stepped-in to keep this project current." That runs counter to claims by members of the GIMP development community.

The GIMP project is not officially distributed through SourceForge—approved releases are only posted on the GIMP project's own Web page. But Jernej Simoni, the developer who has been responsible for building Windows versions of GIMP for some time, has maintained an account on SourceForge to act as a distribution mirror. That is, he had until today, when he discovered he was locked out of the Gimp-Win account, and the project's ownership "byline" had been changed to "sf-editor1"—a SourceForge staff account. Additionally, the site now provided Gimp in an executable installer that has in-installer advertising enabled. Ars tested the downloader and found that it offered during the installation to bundle Norton anti-virus and remote backup services with GIMP—before downloading the installer authored by Simoni (his name still appears on the installer's splash screen).

Submission + - SourceForge hijacks Win-Gimp, wraps installer in adware ( 1

slashdice writes: Ars Technica (and, well, everybody other than slashdot) is reporting on the reprehensible behavior by SourceForge, Slashdot sister sister site. "SourceForge, the code repository site owned by Slashdot Media, has apparently seized control of the account hosting GIMP for Windows on the service, according to e-mails and discussions amongst members of the GIMP community—locking out GIMP's lead Windows developer. And now anyone downloading the Windows version of the open source image editing tool from SourceForge gets the software wrapped in an installer replete with advertisements."

Comment Limitations of STL Design (Score 1) 80

The iterator based approach of STL works very elegantly for 1 dimensional data structures but fails to generalize cleanly for higher dimensional structures. For example, there is no easily defined way of iterating over a 2d array or a graph. Also, the notion of regular types, discussed in your book Elements of Programming, also fails to generalize for 2 or higher dimensional types, like complex numbers and matrices. They lack the total ordering property.

Of course, you can artificially define an ordering, say force a row-by-row iteration over a 2D-Array or a breadth-first iterator over a tree or an artificial ordering on complex numbers, but such constructs feel artificial. Do you think this limitation is fundamental to the iterator based design approach?

Comment Deficiencies in C++ (Score 1) 80

As we all know, C++ is far from perfect. There are several features which you discuss in your books and papers, like concepts and UNDERLYING_TYPE, which C++ is currently missing but proposed for C++17 (e.g. destructive move). However there are things you have criticized before, like the memory allocation interface, which are still as they were 25 years back.

What do you dislike the most about C++? What would you change or add to the language to make it better?

Comment Concepts in C++ (Score 1) 80

In you book "Elements of Programming", you spend a lot of time on concepts. The paper "A Concept Design for the STL", the basis of the latest concept design for C++, references your book extensively. You of course co-authored that paper. I am therefore quite keen to hear your views on C++ Concepts.

Do you think that language support for concepts (or equivalent constructs like Haskell typeclasses) is important for writing generic code? How deeply are you involved in the effort to get concepts into the C++ standard?

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