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Comment There is no point (Score 1) 239

The old names will remain in synonymy so they don't get lost. So what is the point? Also renaming a species can sometimes be a lot harder than people imagine. The name of the species places it a taxonomic tree and when there are disagreements (e.g. someone may have been unsure and simply identified the specimen to genus level). If the whole genus is renamed (e.g. Hibbertia) then it's not a particularly hard problem to solve, but if something goes from, say, subspecies to species with a different name it's an enormous amount of work. And what for? The original name will be retained as a synonym anyway

Comment Re:Long since been paid (Score 0) 222

Insurance and backups, yes. But that's not the point. I won't go into theft statistics either, because that's not the point either and I have no idea about what they are. The point is that these are perfectly good laptops being destroyed for no real reason at all and going to landfill (yeah, yeah, some parts might be recycled). It's an environmental disaster

Comment Re:Remedy (Score 2) 84

The problem is that any modern desktop-oriented distro of Linux also installs a whole lot of software that I'll never use (Gentoo and Arch are probably the only exceptions to the norm and they're not aimed at the general public anyway). Sure, I could go ahead and uninstall the useless stuff that Linux installs, but why bother? And the stuff Linux installs uses a lot more disk space than the Windows 10 health check (about 900 KB including the start menu link) if that's a concern.

Comment Re:Remedy (Score 4, Informative) 84

I just ran it and it seems to do nothing that Windows 10 doesn't already do except put a bunch of things that used to be in different locations, or required the command line, into a single location. It doesn't even seem to be connecting to the internet unless you click on the related links at the bottom (at least that's the only way I can get my firewall to notice any activity).

Comment Re:Fun fact (Score 2) 48

Why is Microsoft insisting on these dark patterns to try and fool users into creating a MS account? It's almost, but not quite, as bad as the ridiculous onedrive set up that unless you're really careful moves many of your files onto the "cloud". Hint: I want a local account, I do not want my files on the cloud, I don't want my laptop desktop synced with my main computer (who came up with that ridiculous idea?) These dark patterns are offensive

Comment Re:Stallman is an idiot.... (Score 1) 640

And also, be careful. Don't talk about of a "history of abusive behavior" if you cannot back up that statement with facts and are prepared to sit in a court of law and defend your statement. Clearly you are not anyone who works at any corporation or large company (thank God... oops is saying that abusive because you don't believe in God?) because what you're saying is not only not acceptable, it's utter rubbish.

Comment Re:Stallman is an idiot.... (Score 1) 640

No, they would not be promptly fired. And if you or anyone else promptly fired them then you should expect a law suit. That business card is not an "overt sexual advance" you dickhead, it's more appropriately called a sense of humour. Whether you find it funny or not is immaterial, it's certainly not a sexual advance.

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